The Accident

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Hadriel was now two years old. James had been dating Severus after two months of the previous incident. They were proud parents and loved Hadriel deeply. Lily had made sure to rub it in James's face that she had the world's savior. Dailey Prophets were all about the chosen one's activities and achievements.

Chosen One's First Words!

You heard that folks! Ray Evans has said his first words, and interesting choice of words too. His mother, Lily Evans, discusses what happened.

"I was making dinner when I hear Ray start babbling. It then turned to slurred lettering and then he just popped out a "Magic!" and I was shocked." Ms. Evans states. 

We're surprised this has happened, and I'm sure there will be celebrations and parties in honor of his first words. 

See page 22 for Lily Evans and James Potter Divorced

See page 13 for Ray Evans

See page 15 for Flying Cars

James couldn't believe his eyes; Ray had said his first words. Ray was two years old and just said his first words, now the entire wizarding world is going insane over that. Hadriel said his at 10 months and was already showing signs of magic. Oh, if only the wizarding world knew they were monitoring the wrong boy, they'd be surprised and frozen in shock.

"Hey, James! Can you get-!" Severus shouted from the other room, until he was cut off by a loud, shaking rumble. The door blasted open, and James was stunned. A tall figure walked through and pass James's crumpled body, entering the next room, where the figure proceeded to stun Severus as well.

"Well, well, well. Pleasure seeing you Severus Snape, who was that in the kitchen, your lover? Now, I'll give you three chances to tell me where the child is, or you can forget every having him." The dark figure said, his voice seemingly familiar. The figure removed the spell, but kept the wand trained on Severus. The figure removed his hood and revealed the caster's face.

"Dumbledore! I knew James was right, yet I believed you. I believed your lies and fell further for your stories, hoping you'd be there for me. Yet, it seems like I should have seen this coming." Severus gasped; a glare fixated on his face.

"Severus, my boy, this is for the greater good. I think you could be of worth," Dumbledore said, stroking his long, wispy beard," Yes, you can work at Hogwarts and keep the Potter brat in check. I need to find the perfect boy to use, and you'll help me. Obliviate!" 

Severus was shot back and felt his head hit the wall, warm liquid trickling down his forehead and down his neck. He watched as his memories of Hadriel disappear, except one. It was a memory of when they all took a picture together. His memories of James dating him also disappeared. He saw it all replaced with him teaching potions at Hogwarts, he saw Hadriel as a copy of James, his bully, and Ray as an angel, for, he was his best friend's child.

"Dumbledore? Why am I bleeding? I thought I was at Hogwarts finishing a potion." Severus mumbled, rubbing his head, where a pounding headache had started. Severus looked around and noticed he was in his house. Dumbledore had a child in his arms, sleeping peacefully. The child had midnight, black hair. It was soft and smooth looking. The baby seemed small and thin, he had a soft, round face and a pale complexion that stood out and glowed against his dark hair.

"Severus, I found you fainted after some of the fumes were absorbed, so I brought you here." Dumbledore said, keeping a concerned, grandfatherly act together. Severus nodded and looked at the baby again.

"Why do you have a child?" Severus said disdainfully. He always hated children and hated teaching them. They were all empty skulled and understood nothing about the fine arts of potions. His godson was an exception, he actually understands and a bit above average.

"This is Harry Potter, the son of James and Lily Potter. James took Harry, whilst Lily took Ray. I need to drop off Harry to his relatives and make a quick stop to Gringotts." Dumbledore explained, changing Hadriel's name to be more muggle. Severus's expression grew sour and twisted. His childhood best friend had two children with his bully, luckily, she divorced Potter.

"Goodbye, Severus. I'll see you tomorrow at Hogwarts, school starts in two months." Dumbledore said, disappearing in a blink. Severus muttered a couple of vulgar words for his hatred for Potter. The child would probably be a duplicate of the selfish man.


Dumbledore arrived at Private Drive, where he would leave Hadriel on the doorstep of Lily's sister. He left a letter filled with compulsions, forcing them to weaken the boy, make the boy easy to mold and be reliable. He needed the perfect boy, and Dumbledore was determined to get one. Dumbledore walked to the Dursley's home, making sure everyone was asleep. He laid Hadriel on the doorstep with the letter tucked into his blanket. 

"Goodbye, may you have the worsts of the times in your life. I will succeed." Dumbledore whispered right before he disappeared in a flash. 


A shadow watched as the young child was placed on the doorstep by an old geezer. The man wasn't shocked when he saw the old hoot disappear. The man was here for one thing, blood. Anderson Dreu was Britian's most dangerous assassin but known to target abusive people and crime committers. He was quick with blades and even faster with a gun. He was highly trained, and it paid off. 

"Why would that old hoot leave a child on a doorstep? I need to kill the couple inside and frame their son. They never mentioned any abandoned children." Anderson muttered. He travelled through the shadows with great stealth. He made it to the doorstep and peered down at the baby. The baby had black hair and pale skin. Anderson wasn't sure if that was natural or because it was freezing out. He picked up the child and quickly ran to his car. He opened it and placed the baby in a seat, turning on the heater.

"That should do, stay here while I go dirtbag hunting." Anderson said before closing the door. He felt a strange connection between the baby. Back to business. He needed to kill Petunia Dursley and Vernon Dursley. They have been caught making illegal deals and stalking people. Their son has also been beating other children and accidently killed one. There was another person, Marge Dursley if he remembered. She was to be killed too. She allows her dog to chase children and tear at them. She is the cause of five deaths. The family is pure evil.

Anderson slowly opened the door and walked inside. The place looks like where a perfect family would like, but this family was anything far from perfection. Anderson walked upstairs, to where he found the rooms the targets were sleeping in. He first entered Marge's room and pulled out his knife from it's holder.

Let the fun begin~

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