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When we pull up to the parking lot, we are met with muffled noises of loud music and flashing lights outside of the limo. The time is about 8:50 by the time we get there.

We step out, thanking the driver for his services and begin toward the dock. Once we get to the entry ramp, we ID ourselves and are let in shortly after. The boat is massive. It looks like it costs so much to upkeep that my entire life savings couldn't even pay it. It is completely decked out with decorations. The color scheme is a chic white & gold. Balloons and garland fill the boat with a sea of color. There are lights flashing all different colors and the music is just loud enough to drown out your thoughts.

"Jesus," I nudge Julie's arm.

"Tell me about it. This place is insane. Can you see the bar in there?" she asks, eyes wide.

"Ohhhh, yeah. I see it."

Just after, the ship leaves the dock and we begin to sail out. As we get further away from the city, the skyline is visible and the view is breathtaking.

We walk inside to the bar area and order a few drinks, mine being non-alcoholic. We manage to snag two seats to sit down and talk as we drink them.

"I know we've only been on here for, what, twenty minutes? But..has anyone caught your eye yet?" Julie asks.

"Not really. I've seen some mildly attractive guys, though," I reply, taking a sip.

"Alright, alright-- I'll stop pushing."

"Thank you! About damn time," I remark with a grin.

She laughs and continues.

"Are you feeling seasick like you implied you would?" she questions.

"Actually, no-", I begin, "I feel great. I guess it was really just all in my head. Like I said, not the party animal I would like to be. Hell, I'm not even drinking. Granted, I'm only twenty but still.."

Julie laughs and pushes my shoulder.

"I get you, really. I just like to socialize. And you need to learn how."

"Hey!" I chuckle at her comment. "I am perfectly fine at being social! I mean, look at me right now. I'm sitting on a damn yacht with you when I could be at home watching Three's Company, comfortably, may I add, on my couch right now," I tell her. I raise my eyebrows as if to say, am I right?

She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.

"It started at 9:00, you know," I say with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Then tape it!" she yells, smiling.

We laugh and continue to chat while we finish off our drinks.

When we're done, we get up and start to walk around. We settle down on the side of the boat near the edge and lean up against the rail.

"Beautiful view," I say quietly.

"Sure is," Julie replies. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom. I'll be right back. You'll be okay for now, right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. See you in a bit," I reply as she moves out.

I continue to lean over the railing, admiring the sea and the city before me. The wind is soft, and it blows my hair out of my face. I take in the smell, the view, the crisp, cool summer air. I inhale a large breath and let it out slowly.

I feel refreshed and decide to take a step back to look for a less populated area. I begin to turn around and I suddenly bump into someone.

"Oh, god! Sorry."

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now