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December 23rd, 1983

I lie on my bed in silence. My mind checked out last night, and it's barely recovered since. Not only did John and I get into an argument that was left unresolved, but Janine also shared the worst possible news I could've received at the moment. But hey-- at least we're trying to get along now, right?

I lay on my side above the sheets, staring at the telephone. I contemplate picking it up and dialing someone, anyone, but I resist. The clock reads 8:30. I decide to get out of bed and take a shower to clear my thoughts. I've been showering in the morning due to the late nights at the shows.

I turn the knob and the water begins to flow out of the shower head. Once it's warm enough, I step in and try to relax.

When I'm done, I get out and dry myself off with a towel. With that same towel, I wrap up my hair. I put on a fresh change of clothes and do my make-up for the day, which ends up being fairly light. I blow dry my hair and walk into the main room.

You know what? Fuck it.

I walk over and pick up the phone and dial the extension to one of the rooms just down the hall.

A familiar voice sounds. "Hello?"



"Yeah, it's me," I say into the phone.

"Do you want me to put Julie Anne on?"

"No, I'm actually glad that it's you who answered. I wanted to talk to you," I speak nervously.

"Really?" he asks.

"Yeah," I respond. "You wouldn't, um," I hesitate. "You wouldn't want to come to my room, would you?"

The tone of his voice changes as he speaks. "It sounds important, so if you want me to I will."

"Could you?"

"Yeah. I'll be there in a few minutes. Let me just tell Julie Anne," he says after a few seconds.

I sigh in relief. "Okay, thank you."

I hang up the phone and sit back on the bed, waiting for him to arrive. Not long goes by before I hear knocking at the door. I stand up and walk over, looking through the peephole to make sure that it's Nick. When I see him standing outside, I unlock the door and open it. "Hey!" I give him a hug. "Thank you for coming so soon," I say as he walks in.

"No problem," he says, sitting down on a chair. "What did you need?"

I sit down on the bed. "I'm honestly shocked that I'm even telling you this, so please, don't tell anyone. Not even Julie. I want to tell her myself."

"I promise."

"Good." I take a deep breath. "So...I don't know if John's told you, but we went and got something to eat the other day and then came back here."

"So I've heard. Apparently Janine likes to talk, so Julie Anne told me."

I sigh. "Alright, that's good. Anyways, on our way back something happened and...I...I think Julie's right. I do like John. In a more-than-friends kind of way."

His expression becomes shocked. "So you've finally come to your senses?"

I look down. "You could say that," I respond quietly. "I presume you two have talked about it, then...?"

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