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I lie against John's chest, holding his hands, for what seems like forever. It's so comfortable. I'm honestly pretty stunned that he's willing to do all of this with me. He never struck me as the type of person to enjoy things like this. Maybe it was just because he hadn't found the right person to do them with.

I sigh happily. "I never want to get up."

I feel him chuckle softly, his head resting above mine. "Neither."

His reply makes me nearly melt. A smile tugs at my lips. "We're probably going to have to get up soon," I point out, gently turning to face him.

"Yeahhhh," he nods, sucking his teeth. "Make the best of it, then."

I nod in response to his comment. My hands carefully tighten their grips on his. I turn my body slightly so that I'm on my side a little. It's more comfortable this way.

He repositions his arms so that they rest more comfortable around me. "Better?"

"Mhm," I smile and nod. "I got the dates for when I'll be leaving," I mention.

"Oh, really? When?"

"I'll have to fly out on the 6th. I think he said I'll be staying for two weeks or so. So I'll be coming back sometime around the 17th," I explain.

He nods. "Got it," he says with a click of his tongue. "I'll miss you!"

"I'll miss you too," I giggle. "But before you know it I'll be back. And besides— you have a tour to attend! I'm not even leaving for another, what, 3 weeks?"

"Ah, you're right," he waves, letting go of one of my hands. "I'm just being dramatic." He lets out a small chuckle and uses the free hand to brush through his hair.

"You should probably go change now," I point out with a laugh. "I'm sure that someone's looking for you by now."

He nods. "I suppose you're right..."

"As I usually am," I giggle.

"Yeah, I'll go ahead and do that now." I sit upright so that he can slip away and stand. "There we go."

I stand up shortly after and flatten out my clothes. "Okay. I'll see you in a little bit, then?"

He smiles warmly and nods.

"Alright," I smile back.

He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll see you," he whispers as he turns to walk out.

I suppress a tiny squeal as I exit the room behind him and walk in the other direction.


We take our seats on the plane. We're off to Arizona now. I buckle myself in and wait. John comes over a little bit after me and sits down.

"Hi!" I flash him a soft smile and fold my hands.

"Hi, hun," he replies as he buckles himself in as well. "I changed," he laughs.

I laugh. "I see that! You were starting to smell..."


"It's true!" I continue to giggle through my words. "You sit up on a stage for almost two hours and run around...the stench is eventually going to come out..."

"I mean, yeah...but it can't be that bad! Is it...?" His expression becomes slightly worried as his brows furrow. He looks forward as if to stare off.

"Relax! I'm kidding," I laugh. "It's really not even noticeable. But visibly you can tell. I can always see you coming off stage all sweaty."

"Really now?" He grins at me.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now