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"So this is it, huh?"

I step into the doorway of John's place— his actual home. It looks as though it hasn't been touched in months, and, well...it hasn't. It still is weird to see, though.

"Yup," he smiles. "My humble abode."

"Humble," I mutter. "This place looks like it's worth ten times as much as mine."

"Aw, come on," he teases, "your place is wonderful. Has a lot of personality...And lots of memories."

"You've sure got that one right."

"I'd love to go and visit there again. It almost feels like I've claimed that little guest room as my own..."

I giggle at his comment, brushing past him to bring my suitcase into the bedroom. "Sure have. But for now, we're here, sooo...Which room?"

"First door on your right. Should be clean in there."

"Mkay." I turn the knob of the door and open it to reveal the massive-scale bedroom that John calls his own. It's incredible. There's lots of scattered pieces of paper on the desk in the corner, looking as if they're filled with tons of scrapped music. There's an incredibly huge bed right in the center of the biggest wall, which has two connected nightstands— one on each side. "Woah," I mumble to myself, walking further in to place my bags down. There's a few pieces of art on the walls, which are painted a vibrant blue, and there's a large closet to the left of the bed. The sliding doors are both mirrors.

"You like?"

"I love," I smile. "It's wonderful."

He leans down and kisses my cheek. "For the time being, it's our room."

My cheeks flush red at the comment. "Is that so?"


"It's perfect." I begin to unpack some of my things, folding them up and neatly packing them into a little drawer that John told me wasn't too full. Once I'm done, I walk over and take a seat on the bed. "Bouncy," I note with a laugh.

"It's a fairly new mattress," he says, taking a seat next to me. "I got it not long before we came on tour."

"It's cooooomfy," I giggle.

"I agree," he replies, giggling as well. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I nuzzle my head into his shoulder. He leans down and plants a small kiss on my lips, smiling as he comes back up.

"It's late," I say, my head still in its place.

"Yeah. We'd better get off to sleep." He stands up, moving over to the dresser across from the bed. He opens a few of the drawers, taking out some sweats and underwear to change himself into. "I'm gonna have a quick shower."

"Mkay," I nod, grabbing some of my own clothes from my bags. "Me too."

He makes his way over to the doorframe. "You wanna save some water?"

My head whips up, my expression looking slightly shocked by the bluntness of his offer. "Me?"

"Well, who else? The desk chair?"

"Shut up," I giggle, walking over to him. "Before I decline."

"Not if I take it back first."

Rolling my eyes, I shove him lightly into the bathroom and follow him inside, shutting the door promptly behind me.


"So what are we going to do today?" I ask, scooping a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth.

"I dunno," John shrugs from across the table.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now