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Wonderful. Another rendition of "Erin doesn't know what to wear."

I'm honestly still shocked that John invited Julie and I only having known me for no more than an hour at the time. Not to mention the fact that he hadn't even met Julie yet.

And the fact that he was willing to save not one, but two tickets? What a gentleman. If he also manages to get us backstage I will be his best friend for life. Not kidding.

I pick up the phone and dial Julie's number, hoping that she'll answer or call me back as soon as she can.

Brrrrrrr. Brrrrrrr.

The ringing comes to a halt.

"Hello?" she asks into the phone.

"Hey Jules. It's Erin."

"Oh, hey! Did you need something?"

"Yeah, actually. What are you wearing tonight? I'm having another crisis," I tell her.

"Nothing really fancy. I haven't picked out anything yet, but I know that it won't be anything that I'd want to get ruined or stand around in," she answers.

"That's what I thought. I also don't want to dress too much down incase we are able to see them backstage like John mentioned," I say, twirling the phone cord between my fingers.

"Exactly," she says.

"Alright, thanks! I'll see you in an hour?" I ask.


She hangs up and I get up from the bed. I look over at the small clock on my nightstand.


I pull open the doors to my closet. I am met with the same array of clothing from last night, except I am more confident in being able to find something suitable. I scan back and forth for a few moments until something catches my eye.

A baby pink turtleneck.

I pull it out and set it down on the bed. It sets the foundation for the rest of the outfit. I walk back over to the open closet. I spot a pair of Levi's jeans. I take them in one hand and close the doors with the other. I lay the jeans down next to the turtleneck. I remember that I bought a thin, brown belt a few days ago. I walk over to my dresser and pull out the bottom drawer to reveal my belts. I pick up the new one with a smile and close the drawer. I lay that down next to the rest of the outfit.

I strip myself of my previous clothes and dispose of them in the hamper. I slip on the top, trying to be careful not to mess up my makeup too much before I touch it up. Then, I grab the jeans and unzip them. I put my right leg in first and then my left. I pull them up and re-zip them. I then grab the belt and thread it through the hoops in my jeans, pulling one end around my waist toward the front. I fold it shut and tuck the edge under the first hoop to keep it in place.

I stand up and walk over to my vanity. Sitting down, I grab a scrunchy and quickly tie my hair up to get it out of my face. I pull the drawer and pick up my foundation and mascara. I close the drawer and place the two products down on the table in front of me. I turn on the small lamp that sits in the corner of the table to allow me to see myself better. I pick up the foundation and carefully screw off the cap. I put a small amount on to touch up any spots that have worn off throughout the day and close the bottle once I am finished. I grab the mascara and put a thin layer overtop the old ones from before. Then, I screw the wand back in and put both products safely back into the drawer. I turn the lamp off.

My brush sits on my left. I pick it up and take out the scrunchy while doing so. I gently brush out my hair. I open the right side drawer and take out a white scrunchy. I put it around my wrist. I use a tiny bit of my Dippity Do hair gel to slick back my hair before scooping it up into a high ponytail with the brush. I tie it off tightly with the scrunchy and use the brush to brush out my bangs. I place the brush back down. I use some Aqua Net hairspray to set in the ponytail. I put in a pair of white hoop earrings.

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