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"I'm going to miss you, John!" I say as the two of us walk through the airport.

Since the last time he came, Duran Duran has been getting more famous by the minute. Now, John has to wear scarves and hats to cover his face to keep himself unnoticed. It sucks, but it's the price that comes with fame.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Erin. But don't worry— soon enough, the tour's going to start. It's going to be fantastic," he reassures me.

I smile at him. "You're right. Plus, I still have yet to inform my boss of it. I doubt he will mind much, though. I think I'll be able to pick up a few gigs here and there in different places."

"Absolutely! You're a model— and a good one at that! Plus, you're smart. You've got a good head on your shoulders," John smiles. "When you're on your first cover I'm gonna buy it and show it off to everyone like, 'Look at my friend!'"

I laugh softly and look down at my feet. "Ah, god. Seriously, though. I do have to tell him. Imagine what would happen if I didn't? Oh god."

"Safe to say you would have quite the open schedule, then," he comments.

"Ha-ha. Very funny."

The familiar call to start boarding can be heard through the loudspeakers.

"Shit," I say, cutting myself off. "Well...this is goodbye. Again!"

John wraps his arms around me for a short hug and begins to walk away. He turns around and points to me as he continues to walk. "See you in a few months?"

A few months. Maybe it doesn't have to be.

I point back. "A few months!"

And with that, he disappears around the corner.


I sit down on the bed with the telephone in my hand. I dial Julie's number.


"Hey, Jules!" I say back into the phone.

"Erin, hey! What's up? Is John gone?" she asks.

"Yeah," I sigh. "It's so boring sometimes when he's gone. I get used to having someone around. Sometimes it gets a little lonely."

Julie laughs. "Oh, Erin. When are you going to admit that you have feelings for him?"

My eyes widen instantly and my smile fades. "I do not."

"Yes you do!" she exclaims. "You just don't want to admit it."

"Yeah, yeah," I retort. "Believe what you want— we're just friends."

"Alright fine. I give up for now. What is it that you wanted?"

"Oh, right! This is really not going to help my case considering the conversation that we've been having thus far, but whatever. Do you have Nick's number?"

I hear nothing but silence for a bit. She then speaks. "Yeah...why...?"

"Well," I start, "I've been thinking lately. And I think I want to go to Birmingham to surprise John for his birthday! He always comes here and he's been talking about showing me around where he grew up so I figured I'd go ahead and see him for once."

"Oh! I gotcha. I assume you want to know where he lives and where to go so Nick is the best option?"

"Exactly," I agree. "I know him the best besides John so I figured it would be easiest to just ask him. Plus— I've got you to give me his information."

"Alright. I'll give it to you. But if he gets weirded out it wasn't me!" she jokes.

I laugh and reply, "Okay!"

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now