284 8 25

April 15th, 1984


"Are you alright?"

I blink out of my thoughts and look over at Erin, who's looking back at me, her head tilted slightly, waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh! Yeah. Sorry. Just a bit tired."

Her hand moves back down to her side and she lets out a breath. "Okay," she answers flatly. "Just making sure. You were, like, completely zoned out there for a sec."

"I'm fine, I was just thinking. Then I got carried away...I dunno."

"Anyway, as I started to say..." She pushes herself up and off of the bed to stand, then faces me, her arms crossed. "Do you want to go down to the pool? They have a hot tub, too."

"Hot tub, eh..? I like the sound of that."

"Well," she insists, "if you want to go then we're gonna have to go soon. Like, now. I'm not sure what time the pool area closes, but..." She lifts her arm, bringing her wrist to her face. "It's just about 10 o'clock now and I can't imagine it'll be open for too much longer." Her foot taps as she puts the same hand on her hip. "So yes or no?"

"Hm..." I stroke the tip of my chin with my fingers, even though I already know my answer. Truthfully, I'm just messing around with her. "I don't know..."


I grin cheekily. "Whaaaat...?"

"You have 5 seconds to give an answer before I get ready for bed," she threatens and I try my best to suppress a laugh. "5..."

"Alright, alright! Can we go?"

She stops counting down and smiles. "Mhm. Come on, gotta get ready then." She kneels onto the edge of the bed and extends out her hands for me to take, and once I do, she pulls me up and off of it. I use her shoulder for some support to limp over to the bathroom, then let go and lean over the sink counter to relieve the pressure from my foot.

"Can you grab my swim shorts for me? They should be in the bag near the chair."

"Sure. Stay right there." Erin walks over to the bag and leans over to rummage through it. "I figured we could go tonight since we have two nights left and we haven't once gone to one. It's been kinda cold, so...this should be nice." She eventually pulls out the bathing suit I asked her for, stands back up, and brings it in. "This it?" she asks.

"Mhm," I confirm, shaking my head and reaching out to take it from her hand. "I can put it on myself, I think. You can change out there. I might be a minute."

"Okay," she smiles. "Just shout if you need me." She leans over and kisses the side of my head before walking out, shutting the door quietly behind her.

I manage to rid myself of the clothes I have on faster than I expected. Since I have the counter next to me I'm able to stabilize myself on one foot by leaning against it. I pull the shorts up and tie them at my waist. I decide to leave on the t-shirt I'm wearing, and I can take it off once we get down there. I pick up the dirtied clothes and open the door, then hop over to the laundry bag and stuff them inside.

Once I'm out in the main room, Erin's already changed and waiting on the edge of the bed. She's holding two towels and she set out some sandals for me.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now