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"You would?"

I feel a wave of happiness washing over me. "I couldn't be happier to say yes."

He lets out a breath, presumably of relief. "I'm so glad."

The two of us go silent for a moment until I notice the waiter coming back out of the corner of my eye. I release his hand and watch as the man places down the ice basket containing the bottle, followed by two glasses.

We order our food and he walks away once more.

"Alright," John says, grabbing the bottle and popping it open. "Hand me your glass."

I comply and hand it over to him. "Here you are."

He pours mine and gives it back to me, afterward pouring his own. He raises his slightly. "To...you."

I raise mine. "What for?"

"For making me want to change."

I giggle and clank my drink with his, taking a sip after. "Oh, my...this is good."

"It should be for that price," he jokes.

I laugh. "Agreed. I would go positively bankrupt if I paid the prices for things that you do," I proceed. "It's wild!"

"I'm sure you make a considerable amount as a model," he says, furrowing his brows. "Unless I'm wrong."

"Not completely," I shrug. "I don't really make as much as you might think. I'm not that big of a model. I haven't even had my own cover yet."


"Mhm," I confirm, nodding my head.

"That's a real shame," he adds, looking down at the table.

"How so?" I laugh.

He keeps his head down and almost mumbles, "They're missing out."

I confusedly tilt my head and laugh. "On?"


The compliment sends a wave of happiness through me and I blush again, for what feels like the millionth time because of him. "How, um," I stutter, "how do you figure?"

"Because you're beautiful, and they're wasting that when they only put you on the inside," he blurts out quietly.

Joy flows through me as the words slip his mouth. It's all so surreal. The way he treats me so respectfully. The way he's complimented me far too many times today. You could've asked me a few days ago about John and I would've said that I'd lost him. Yet I never could've predicted this.

"You're so sweet," I smile genuinely. "That makes me feel a lot better than you'd think."

"It should." He extends out his hand once more, to which I place mine over it. "I'm trying to make up for all of the lost time I spent with Janine." He squeezes my hand lightly. "For all of the things I could've said a long time ago."

"Oh, John," I smile. "You really don't have to."

"I do." He leans in closer. "There are so many things I've wanted to tell you. Since the first time I visited, even," he explains.

I chuckle. "Such as?"

"Remember the park?" he asks.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now