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A/N: heyyyy yall...so after the, erm, short hiatus (of 7 months) i have returned to finally give everyone the final chapters of i do what i do!!

who cheered!!

i deeply apologize for my abscence—i swear, i'm not abandoning this story; it will be completed! i've planned out the rest of the story, and if all goes well, it should end up with about 31 chapters and a closing epilogue.

so—without further ado—here is the long-awaited chapter 29 (:





It's been over four months since the last time I saw him.

And as it turns out, the life of a bassist—even after the end of a tour—is busier than I thought, or even he thought.

A lot has changed in the last few months—Andy and John have been collaborating with Robert Palmer and Tony Thompson to work on a new side project called The Power Station, and Simon, Roger, and Nick have been working on their own called Arcadia. I've gotten some updates from Julie, but I don't know nearly as much about them as I do about John and Andy's side. Which, to be fair, makes total sense.

Come to find out, this project has been in the making for quite a while now, but the tour was taking up so much time and attention that John hadn't even mentioned it to me until recently. Thankfully, I can still keep in frequent touch with him, regardless of our unfortunate long-distance situation.

In other news, I've been climbing the modeling ladder for quite some time, now. I've become closer to many of the girls—though we're competing, it's nice to keep a friendly relationship with one another—and it's been looking like I could start getting gigs in many other states. Countries, even. So it's safe to say that the future's been looking pretty bright for me, and life's been treating me pretty well since April.

Now it's mid-summer, and I've finally gotten some time to fly out and visit John, who's been pressing for weeks to get me to visit and see how the project's been going. Not long ago, the guys began working in New York City, so the fares won't be as expensive—that's why I've chosen to go and finally see my boyfriend for the first time since the night I flew home.

Of course, I had to pack my saving grace—Leonard. He's spent every night on my bed, reminding me of just how lucky I am.

So I hold him tightly in my lap during the considerably short flight to New York, practically jumping out of my seat once it's allowed. Quickly gathering my belongings, I venture out to the jet bridge, and soon after, the waiting area. My eyes dart around, searching for something—or someone—to catch their gaze.

And suddenly they land on a man sporting an awfully familiar fedora, paired with sunglasses and a scarf...In the middle of August.


My feet carry me over before my mind can even process it, and soon a pair of arms are wrapped around me, lifting me up and twirling around as if it were a movie. The laughter that escapes the man's lips and fills my ears is so easily identifiable—none other than my boyfriend's.

"Erin," he whispers as his lips pepper my face with tiny kisses. I'm able to feel his smile without even having to look at him, and fuck, does that feel good.

"I missed you," the words slip without forethought, as if rehearsed—but, of course, they weren't. I just meant them. "God, I missed you," I smile. "How's everyone? Andy? The new guys?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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