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It's only been a few weeks since John left. It sucks being friends with someone as famous as him because I don't get the chance to see him much. It's hard to get closer to them. Even though he and the guys aren't on tour, they still have a bunch of interviews to do and tons of preparation for their next tour. He told me about how they're going to start working on their new album soon.

Nick is flying in today to see Julie. I'm honestly pretty excited because I haven't seen or talked to him since the night of the concert last year. He was really laid back and I would love to talk to him again.

Julie and I are standing in my kitchen getting ready to leave when I hear the phone ringing in my bedroom. I walk in and answer.


"Erin!" the familiar voice says back to me.

"Hey, John. How are you?" I reply.

"Good, good. And I imagine you're doing well yourself?" he asks.

"Yes, I am! Why did you call? Did you need something?"

He chuckles. "No, nothing serious. Just confirming the dates for me to come and celebrate your birthday with you. If I remember correctly, we were thinking May the 24th? On the day of your birthday?"

"I think so," I answer.

"I was thinking of getting an earlier flight than the last so that we could spend a little more of the day together, what with it being your birthday and all," he suggests.

I smile. "That would be perfect," I say into the phone.

"Wonderful. I'll see you then."

"Of course. Bye, John."

I hang up the phone and walk back into the kitchen where Julie is standing.

"You ready to go?" Julie asks me. "Nick should be here soon and we don't want to leave him waiting."

"Yep," I reply as I grab my coat.

We hop in her car and begin to drive to the airport.

"So," Julie starts, "how are things going with you and John?"

I turn to her. "Oh, no. We're not in a- it's not like that."

She gives me a pointed look. "Right. Sure."

"What are you getting at?" I ask her, annoyed.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other. And we're going to just pretend like that wasn't him that just called you?"

"He just called to make sure we were on the same page for when he comes back. Otherwise, no— I haven't really talked to him at all. I know he's been pretty busy, though. Plus, he does have a girlfriend so I wouldn't want to make her uneasy or anything."

"I don't know. If I were her, I'd definitely be a little jealous."

"Whatever. Believe what you want!" I say.

"Oh don't worry. I will," she replies.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim.

Julie whips her head to face me. "What? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I just realized something." I reassure her. "I never told you!"

She lifts an eyebrow and stares me down. "Told me what, exactly?" she asks.

"John invited me to go on tour with him and the guys!" I answer with a wide smile.

Julie's eyes go wide. "Holy shit, Erin. You could've told me, you know. Nick asked me to come as well."

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now