333 8 14

Oh my god.




John lies quietly on his back next to me. I sit in silence for a moment, looking up and processing and replaying in my mind what just happened. He's incredible. Actually incredible. I think I'm still in some sort of shock from it all. I mean, holy fuck. I had sex with him. I turn to face him and look up slightly.

"Are you alright?" he asks softly. I nod.

"I'm great," I smile.

"Good," he responds softly. "You took it pretty hard," he giggles.

"Trust me— I'm not complaining." He leans down to kiss me, smiling against my lips. After he pulls away, I smile back up at him. "You're, uh, really...good," I tell him softly. A twang of embarrassment washes over me.

"At what?"

"That," I whisper. He chuckles to himself.

"I've got a lot of practice. Evidently it's just been in preparation for you."

"I have experience, too," I add jokingly.

"I can tell," he smiles. His comment instantly silences me. God, he's hot. I notice him giving me the most shit eating grin, clearly having noticed my inner panic. I move myself in closer and hover my head above his chest.

"Can I?"

"Of course," he responds happily. I lower my head and rest it on his chest, gently wrapping my arm over and around his midsection.

"Mmm," I sigh in contentment. I feel his hand softly come up and stroke my hair. I nuzzle my head against him as he continues quietly. A warm smile forms on my lips.

"Goodnight, Erin," he says softly, pulling the covers over me. He leans down and places a kiss on my head.

"Goodnight, John." I lightly kiss his chest and put my head back down, all the while he continues to stroke my hair. I feel myself slowly drifting off and eventually fall asleep with him.


I wake up, presumably early, the next morning. My head is in the same position that I remember it last being in— lying on John's chest. I can still feel the warmth of his body under me. I gently flutter my eyes open to see that it's not too bright in the room. The curtains are closed, so only a little light gets in. I carefully lift my head to look around. I catch a glimpse of John. He's still sleeping soundly.

I silently admire him. He looks so pretty...so peaceful when he's asleep. I lift a hand up to his face. I slowly graze his cheek with my thumb, being careful not to wake him up. I'm soft with my movements so that he stays as calm as possible. I watch as he begins to smile in his sleep. It brings one to my own face. I continue to caress his cheek happily and lie my head back down on him. We stay like that for a short while until I hear a familiar whisper.

"That feels nice."

I look up to see John looking back at me, smiling and eyes open.

"I didn't want to wake you," I reply quietly.

"It's a very pleasant way to be woken up." He nuzzles his cheek into my hand as I keep on. I move upward so that my head hovers over his and lean down to kiss his opposite cheek. I move around it slowly and plant a few more soft kisses. Eventually, I end up back where I started and he leans up to press his lips to mine. He smiles against me and then lies back on the pillow.

"Thank you for defending me last night," I say, breaking the silence. My hand moves down to his chest and rests there.

"Are you kidding? She had no right. I remembered what you told me when she said it. I could tell that it really hurt you. I saw it on your face. So I defended you," he answers. I smile gently.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now