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"I'll be there for your birthday tomorrow, okay? I've just been super busy lately with all of the shoots," Janine says through the phone.

"Yeah. Yeah, alright," I say. "See you tomorrow, then?"

"Of course. Bye!"

I sigh. "Bye."

I hang up the phone and rub my eyes. Agh.

I walk downstairs to see my mum cleaning the kitchen counter. "Hi, Nigel!" she says once she realizes I'm there.

"Hey, mum," I answer groggily. "Sorry I didn't come downstairs before. Tired."

"It's alright. I saved you some eggs from breakfast if you want them. They're cold, but I can heat them up for you."

I sit down. "Oh. Thanks. Yeah, sure. That'd be nice."

She smiles and I sit back in the chair.

I've got a pounding headache from last night. I don't remember what I did, and I barely remember where I was. I do remember drinking. And I remember doing cocaine. A lot of it. Not much after that, though. I think there was a girl...I didn't bring her home though.

"Here you go. Eat up!" my mother says as she places a plate in front of me.

"Thanks," I say, digging in. I'm hungry— no question of that. "They're good!"

Her smile widens. "I'm glad you like them. I'll be in the living room with your dad. Clean up when you're done, okay?"

I nod and continue to eat. She walks out of the kitchen. Once I'm finished, I wash off the plate and dry it off with a paper towel.

The doorbell rings. Who the fuck is that?

My mother calls out to me from the living room. "Nigel, can you get the door?"

"Yup!" I yell back.

I walk over to the front door and unlock it. I open it up.

My jaw drops and my eyes burst open in shock. Standing in front of me at the door is none other than Erin. Erin Clark.


Her smile is from ear to ear. "Surprise!"

I break out of the trance I've been in and smile back at her. I pull her in for a hug. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wanted to come for your birthday. I feel bad— you keep coming to see me and I've never come here!"

"I'm so glad to see you! I was sure that I wouldn't see you again until it was time for the tour to start," I say, still in awe.

She giggles. "I wanted to surprise you! It was obviously worth it. Your face was priceless!"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah."

"Can I come in?"

I palm my forehead. "Oh, god! Yeah, of course! Sorry, I'm just a little confused."

"It's fine," she answers happily.

I motion her inside and she leans her suitcase against the wall.

"Let me introduce you to my parents so it's not awkward, yeah?"

She nods. "Yeah!"

We walk into the living room where my parents are both seated.

I clear my throat. "Ahem." They turn to face me.

I Do What I Do » John TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now