4 // Phone Number

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Knox didn't get any sleep last night because Everett didn't get any sleep last night. The boy tossed and turned until a few hours before sunrise.

At one point, he screamed himself awake because of a nightmare. More are bound to follow, given what all he experienced in the past twenty-four hours. Knox couldn't help but pity his temporary roommate, enough to buy Everett a new charger so he can finally use that damn phone of his.

"I don't care who you reach out to, just don't reveal your location." Knox tosses the yellow Dollar Store bag at Everett after entering his bedroom. "Has Josie stopped by? I ran into her while I was on my out and she told me she had something for you."

Everett nods from the bed, quick to unbox the phone charger. "She delivered a few toiletries shortly after you left. My skin was desperate for some lotion, and it felt great to brush the stank out of my mouth. I'll never take toothbrushes for granted again."

"Yeah, because your breath smelled like—"

"Fuck off, you big panda! I didn't ask for your snarky commentary."

Knox's head falls backward as he laughs. He shouldn't find Everett to be this amusing but he does. Too much, if he's being honest. Perhaps the way Everett carries himself is to blame. His looks make him appear sweet and innocent, but when set off, his mouth runs exactly like a filthy sailor's.

He's cute but deadly.

The absolute worst kind to fall for.

"Was that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?" Knox removes his beat-up leather jacket and kicks off his shoes before joining Everett on the bed, taking a seat at the foot of it. "It doesn't, by the way. Pandas are one of the most beloved animals on the planet. Everyone is a fan of pandas."

"Yeah, well, I'm not everyone," Everett mutters. "In fact, I think they're extremely overrated."

Knox laughs again. "Fuckin' liar. You couldn't even look me in the eyes when you said that."

"Don't you have someplace else to be?" Everett replies sharply, meeting Knox's playful gaze.

"No," Knox says. "Getting under your skin is far more entertaining."

"God, you're so annoying." Everett plugs the charger into the wall outlet beside the nightstand and hooks his phone up to it,  struggling to keep from smiling. "I prefer this version of you over the one who almost strangled me to death. Are you always this hot and cold with the people you kidnap?"

Knox purposefully avoids answering the question because his targets are usually dead by this point. "Why panda?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes. I'm very curious to hear why you matched me to one of the most adorable animals in the—"

"Okay, enough." Everett rolls his eyes, the corners of his mouth twitching and wanting badly to rise. "You're dressed in black and white, and you're about the size of a pregnant one—" They both chuckle at that. "It was honestly the first thing to pop into my head as I watched you get dressed this morning."

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