47 // Mind Made Up

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Everett can do nothing but watch.

He watches in frustration and full-blown alarm as one of the policemen moves Knox's truck off to the side and away from the pump. He then climbs back into the cruiser with his partner, Knox trapped like a wild animal in its steel embrace, and they drive away.

The crowd disperses, the drama over, and Everett makes a dash toward Knox's truck.

"They're gone." He clenches the cell phone in his hand, having given Gavin a play-by-play. "But they left the key to the truck behind. What do you want me to do?"

"Alright, listen," Gavin replies, his voice steady. "If they had a warrant to search it, they wouldn't have left the truck behind, so they probably took Knox in on some bullshit. It's all scare tactics. I'm texting the club lawyer as we speak."

"What kind of bullshit?" Everett asks before thinking.

By now, he should know better than to ask questions that won't be answered.

"Club business. I can't tell you, kid. I'm sorry," Gavin says. "Do you want me to send Finn out to pick up the truck, or are you comfortable driving it back? I'll make sure Mason scrubs the cameras out there. Your involvement won't be documented."

Everett takes a deep breath. Driving the truck back is a risk, but he feels a sense of responsibility to Knox. "I can drive it back," he replies. "I can do it."

"I'm sending Finn out anyway. Don't want you to be alone right now," Gavin assures him before ending the call.

Everett pockets his phone and climbs into the driver's seat, the keys dangling from the ignition. He closes his eyes and takes a moment to inhale deeply, the scent of Knox's cologne lingering in the air like a distant memory.

He starts the engine seconds later, both hands trembling as he grips the steering wheel and navigates the truck out of the gas station. He tries to ignore the regret swirling in his stomach. He's been acting like a total dick since their long-distance conversation.

His concerns are valid, but had he known Knox would get snatched up by the police today, perhaps he would've handled his emotions a little better. 

No matter, his nerves are officially shot now.

The tension in his body makes every bump and pothole on the road feel amplified. He can't stop looking in the rearview mirror, thinking that he's being followed during the whole drive back to the clubhouse.

He doesn't truly calm down until he spots Finn on his motorcycle halfway into the drive. They ride back together, Everett leading the way while Finn takes on the job of scanning the road for any of their enemies.

As they eventually pass through the gate of the clubhouse, Everett brings the truck to a stop and hops out, his legs feeling slightly unsteady. He turns to Finn.

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