7 // War

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"Take me to bed?" Everett mutters to himself. "Have I lost my fucking mind? Why did I say that? Why did I almost let him..."

Everett glances at the stairs leading into the basement for the hundredth time, wondering what's taking Knox so long to come back. The movie he started is now at the midway point, and it shouldn't take someone this long to move their motorcycle down the street.

Not unless something bad happened.

"Oh, no. What if..." Everett hops off the bed and races upstairs as his thoughts take a dark turn.

He immediately inspects the ground for blood and a body once outside, silently praying the body doesn't belong to Knox. It's frightening and alarming how close he feels to Knox while also hating everything about the man. Maybe even closer than what he felt towards Shaun, and they knew each other longer.

"Fuck. Did he just up and ditch me, then?" Everett questions after clearing his empty, spotless driveway of any crimes.

Eager for an explanation, he reaches for his cell phone, only to find it isn't in his pockets. As he turns to head back into the house, his parents pull up and park. They step out of the car and look as miserable as Everett feels on the inside.

"Did you come out here to greet us?" His father jokes. Sarah gives a pitiful smile before scurrying into the house while clutching her stomach.

"I was, uh, just getting some fresh air," Everett lies. "Is there anything you need me to do for you guys?"

His father shakes his head. "But if you could go back in time to prevent us from going to that damn restaurant, I'd really appreciate it."

"I'm afraid I haven't mastered that ability yet," Everett teases. They head inside the house and go their separate ways.

When Everett locates his cell phone, he sends several texts Knox's way. Hours pass without a reply, leaving Everett to assume the worst has definitely happened.

He doesn't sleep well that night, tosses and turns through the majority of it. The little sleep he gets comes in the form of a terrifying nightmare; instead of Shaun being the one lying in a pool of red on the floor of Club Inferno, it's Knox.

But the pain doesn't end there. The knot in Everett's chest expands when the nightmare switches to Knox's funeral. Everett is the only one in attendance. No one mourned for the man, no one showed up to send him off to the afterlife properly. He entered this tragic world alone, and that is also how he left it.

The next morning, Everett wakes with dried tears on his cheeks. 

He does a few breathing exercises before rolling out of bed, hoping his nerves will eventually calm. He then checks his cell phone, but much to his dismay, the messages with Knox remain the same as it did yesterday—unchanged. Everett exhales a frustrated breath while marching to the bathroom for a shower.

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