39 // Whatever It Takes

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Without hesitation, Knox and his brothers surge out of their hiding spots and toward the confrontation.

"This little bitch is lighter than he looks!" Finn laughs manically as he and Everett work quickly to tie up Ghost. "Hey, has someone checked the time? The vans—"

Mid-sprint, Knox freezes as one of his brothers near the road shouts something about the nearing sound of a vehicle. He spots Gavin and they make brief eye contact, the older man confirming with a nod that their time advantage has evaporated.

The fact sends ripples of urgency among Knox and his brothers, and his legs begin moving again, his sight locked on Everett's pale face.

"Smoke it out!" Gavin's voice rings out above the mounting chaos. "Now, now, now!"

Seconds later, thick white smoke envelops the parking lot and swallows everything in sight, making it nearly impossible to discern friend from foe. The air is immediately filled with confusion—shouting, the piercing sound of tires screeching, the all-too-familiar and dreaded pops of gunfire...

Hunched low and with his weapon ready to fire should anyone be dumb enough to approach him, Knox seeks out the one voice that matters to him the most.

"Everett!" he yells. "Where are you? Answer me!"

"I'm right here!" Everett's voice comes as a half-panic, half-relief response. "Hold on, I can see you!"

Hope rises in Knox as he recognizes Everett's silhouette dashing in his direction. But that hope quickly turns to gut-wrenching horror when another barrage of shots rings out, and Everett crumples to the ground, terror etched across his face.

Knox's heart stops beating.

"EVERETT!" Knox's scream rips through the air like a bolt of lightning. A downpour of emotions slam into him all at once—grief, rage, despair—and it threatens to drown him right at that moment, but he continues forward on unsteady legs.

Then a memory strikes him that he'd almost forgotten, and it's of how he helped Everett put on his bulletproof vest back at the clubhouse...

He's still alive!

Knox closes the distance in mere seconds and drops to his knees beside Everett's body, his hands frantically checking him for injuries. The tangible relief upon finding the vest intact is overwhelming.

"You're alright, kitten," Knox speaks softly, his voice choked with emotion as he helps Everett sit up. "You're safe. Shake it off."

"Someone... actually... fucking... shot me?!" Everett's breathing is ragged, his eyes wide with shock. Still, he finds the strength to throw his arms around Knox. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"I'm fine, but I'll be even better once I get you the fuck out of this mess."

With Knox's steadying grip, Everett rises to his feet.

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