32 // Meeting

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"You call me that word and we won't be leaving this bedroom for at least another two hours," Knox says, his expression as serious as his tone.

"Your other parent. He can also be a literal pain in the ass sometimes," Everett finishes in a whisper to Bear. He ruffles the dog's fur before standing. "Is the kitchen free? Think I'll head down there to make breakfast after I get out of the shower."

"Josie and the girls were making breakfast when I walked through just now. Some of the brothers are lingering around, too." Knox is interrupted by Bear dropping his toy and whining while walking over to the door. He scratches at it twice to get Knox's attention. "Shit, I think he has to go out again."

"Wow. He's already trained?" Everett questions, unable to gloss over the fact that Knox has apparently gifted him the perfect dog. "What shelter did you get him from again?"

Knox immediately levels Everett with a sharp look that tells him to back down and stop digging for a story that doesn't exist. "I was told his previous owners were an elderly couple who couldn't care for him anymore. They put a lot of work into him, and I wasn't about to bring home a dog that needed training. Don't have the time for that shit. He seemed like a good fit, so I got him, and now he's ours. Any other questions you want to ask me before he pisses on my floor?"

"Nope." Everett smiles. His gut clings to the feeling that there's more to Bear's story, but for now, he decides to put his suspicion on the back burner. "Sorry for being annoying when you're just trying to do something nice for me. It was unexpected, that's all." He kisses the hard look off Knox's face before walking toward the bathroom. "I'll meet up with you guys in a bit."

Knox leashes Bear and then leaves without another word.

Ugh. Why am I being such a dick? The man bought me a damn dog. I always wanted a dog! Everett chastises himself all throughout his shower. He doesn't exit until the hot water turns cold.

It isn't until twenty minutes later when he finally heads downstairs dressed in clean clothes, his stomach growling in anticipation of breakfast. The kitchen bustles with Fallen Angels, some flirting with the women and others sitting at the table grubbing down on a mountain of hot food.

Among them are Finn and Josie, the latter's face lighting up at Everett's arrival.

"Hey! Glad you made it down. How are you liking the new doggo?"

"Well, for starters, I woke up with its ass in my face..." Everett mumbles.

Finn laughs. "I told Knox he probably should've asked if you were a dog person before bringing it home, but of course, he never listens to me."

"It's cool. I like animals, and I've always wanted a dog," Everett responds while grabbing a plate. "Might be an understatement to say I was surprised when he told me it was ours. I thought I was decent at gift giving, but he has definitely showed me out. I'm mostly concerned about how everyone else feels. I'm obviously not the only one living here..."

"No need to worry about that. We would've had a few pets around here by now if any of these fuckers were capable of taking care of one," Finn teases, referencing his brothers.

As Everett glances around the lively kitchen once more, he feels a strange tug in his chest. The longer he lives here, the more he sees the allure of being part of a motorcycle club.

The Fallen Angels are one big happy family. Are they unconventional and murderous as fuck? Yes. But they're still a family at the end of the day, and he's relieved that Knox has them as his support system, given that he no longer has his parents. The list of places where Knox could've ended up had he never joined the club lies with prison and six feet under.

And it'll probably stay that way if he doesn't calm his ass down and find a hobby that doesn't involve killing people. Everett is pulled away from his darkening thoughts by the sound of a dog barking.

Josie's delighted squeal fills the room as she moves to dote on Bear. "So cute!"

Knox steals a seat at the table, his gaze locking onto Everett, and he pats at his lap in an invitation.

The action causes Everett's cheeks to flame. It's rare for Knox to be this openly affectionate with him, and even more so when there are this many people around. They usually do cutesy shit like this in private, but apparently not today.

Maybe Knox can change for the better. Maybe he already has, and Everett just hasn't noticed yet.

He finishes loading up his plate and then crosses the room to join Knox at the table, sliding onto the man's lap. "Hungry? We can share my plate." 

"Hungry..." A familiar smirk eases onto Knox's handsome face as he wraps his arms around Everett, his voice a low rumble. "I think you already know the answer to that question."

"Pervert." Everett playfully rolls his eyes and shoves a slice of bacon into Knox's mouth. "I think the girls are already in love with Bear. I don't know how your brothers feel about him."

Knox finishes chewing and swallows. "Their feelings are irrelevant when it comes to me and you."

"God, I'm really enjoying this new sappy version of you." Everett grins, then lowers his voice to where only Knox can hear. "If you keep spoiling me like this, I'll never leave the clubhouse." 

"I'm counting on it, kitten—"

Chaos erupts when Gavin bursts into the kitchen, his features set in a stern expression that screams trouble is on the horizon. All the women, excluding Josie, make a hasty exit before needing to be told.

Gavin then makes an announcement that kills the rest of Everett's appetite.

"Time to gear up," Gavin says to his men. "We've got a meeting with Ghost."

. . .

a/n: Finn and Everett getting along for more than a second??? 🥹

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a/n: Finn and Everett getting along for more than a second??? 🥹



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don't tempt me with a good time... 👀 should this be the dynamic for Book 2's couple? let me know!

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