28 // Match Met

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Knox's thoughts are a whirlwind as he stalks toward Finn's bedroom.

It's a mixed concern for Everett and the future that they have together, irritation at Hayes for stepping out of bounds, and a heavy sense of duty to protect the club at all costs.

He doesn't get far in wondering what life might be like had he never got patched in with The Fallen Angels. After losing his parents, specifically his mother, he also lost his drive to become the man his mother had wanted him to be. Someone educated and with a degree or two under his belt, not an unhinged beast who would eventually become numb from killing people.

God, how disappointed she must feel while looking down on him from Heaven.

Knox's self-deprecating thoughts quiet down after he reaches Finn's bedroom. The smell of stale beer and weed smoke pulls him back into the moment and grounds him as he bangs on the door, the sound booming like thunderclaps in the night. Finn's muffled acknowledgment seeps through, prompting Knox to lean against the wall with a bored look on his face.

The door swings open a minute later.

"Hey, brother. You need something from me?" Finn asks, a towel slung low around his waist. His hair is still damp and tousled, water droplets glistening on his tatted chest. He's a scrawny man but his bark is equally worse than his bite, courtesy of Knox's training.

"Yeah, I need to know who the fuck takes showers this late," Knox says, jokingly.

"Obviously me, asshole. I was just on FaceTime with my girl and things got a little heated..." Finn smirks, wiggling his brows. "But I'm guessing you ain't here for story time."

"Definitely not," Knox says. "I need you to join me on a run to Hayes' place. Shouldn't take us too long. Get dressed, grab a to-go bag, and meet me out front in fifteen."

"Understood." Finn nods, knowing better than to ask questions. When a brother needs help, you don't waste time asking him why. You shut the hell up, grab a weapon, and follow.

Outside, the night air has a small bite to it, sending leaves skittering across the ground as an uneasy wind stirs the branches of the trees. The gravel crunches under Knox's boots as he marches over to his truck, his mind somewhat clearer than before. Tonight's job will require stealth and patience, which is why he isn't wearing his cut and is taking his truck instead of his motorcycle. Anything to not draw attention to himself and Finn while driving to Hayes' house.

Sliding into the huge vehicle, Knox inserts the key into the ignition and twists. The truck rumbles to life, the engine's low hum filling the quiet of the night. Knox leans his head back on the seat and closes his eyes. Of course, his mind drifts to Everett. His chest tightens and his hands ball into fists as he recalls the pitiful look Everett gave when he found out Knox had to leave tonight.

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