38 // Light'em Up

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In the center of the abandoned mall's parking lot sits the dead Jackal's car, which looks as sinister as the situation Knox and his brothers are in.

Positioned on the ground in front of the car with their ankles and wrists loosely bound are Everett and Finn, their lives hanging in the balance of a dangerous plan as they impatiently wait as bait for Ghost.

And while hiding in the shadows inside the mall with his brothers, Knox's pulse races for more reasons than fear. His obvious unease, masked as it might be behind layers of loyalty and duty, continues to stir unwanted emotions within him. His feelings about Everett and Finn's plan were made loud and clear, so it comes as no surprise that every brother has their eyes on him right now. 

But there's one man's gaze he's particularly attuned to—Everett's.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared out of his fucking mind on behalf of the boy.

"Knox." A gruff voice breaks the tension. "Your boy really is tougher than he looks," Gavin murmurs, trying to soothe his friend's nerves. "He wouldn't have made it this far otherwise."

"Doesn't matter. He shouldn't be out there." Without turning, Knox's voice rumbles in reply while dripping with restrained anger. "I'm supposed to be protecting him, not fighting alongside him. This is bullshit and you know it."

Gavin sighs. "Knox, the kid's plan with Finn is a smart one. The element of surprise, flipping those twenty minutes to our full advantage... it just makes sense. You've got to admit that."

Knox's jaw tightens as he turns with a sharp glare to meet Gavin's eyes.

"I'll admit it as soon as you admit that pulling rank to use my guy as bait was fucked up," Knox snaps. "Everett is my partner same as Josie is yours. I'll always respect club rules, but we both know that him being out there should've been a decision that I made, not one you forced."

"I don't want to fight with you brother, and now is definitely not the time. The needs of the club come before everything and anyone, and you were made aware of this before and after you joined. I pull rank only if I'm certain it'll benefit the club, and Everett is a grown man who decided that—"

"Okay, so that's what we're doing now? Had he been a woman instead of a man, you're saying you wouldn't have pulled rank and sent him out there despite his plan being so fucking smart? Because I know for a fact that you'd never allow Josie to get involved in club business like this."

Distantly, the sound of a motorcycle engine grows louder, pulling everyone's attention.

"Get ready!" Gavin calls out. He gently bumps elbows with Knox before walking closer to the front of the mall. "I don't want it to end like this, so we'll finish this conversation at home."

Knox simply looks ahead, saying nothing in response.

He and the rest of his brothers spread out while creeping closer to the front of the mall's entrance, every single one of them carrying a weapon of some sort. Knox stands tall and wide amongst them, his gray eyes darting continuously between the road and Everett's curled up frame beside Finn.

No matter how hard he tries, Knox can't help but think that if things go sideways with this new plan, it'll be Everett and Finn who pays the price before him and the rest of his brothers.

"Stay alert!" Gavin calls out a final warning as a large bike powers into the lot, its rider sitting astride it looking like an apex predator dressed in all black.

Pulling up and parking near Everett and Finn, the rider smoothly dismounts and kills the engine.

Every muscle in Knox's body tenses; The scenario he's been dreading and preparing for is now unfolding before him in real time.

The rider removes his helmet to reveal a mane of bright red hair that's as fiery as the reputation that precedes him. Another knot of unease forms in Knox's gut, which constricts with every step Ghost takes towards the bound duo on the ground. The stories Knox has heard, the destruction this man has caused... it all rushes to the forefront of Knox's mind.

From the shadows of the mall's entrance, Gavin stealthily makes his way back over to Knox.

"Stay calm, brother," he whispers, voice hardly audible. "They'll be alright."

Knox barely acknowledges Gavin's words, his attention glued on the scene before him. He watches as Ghost tilts his head to one side, examining Finn and Everett like they're pieces on a chessboard. There's a calculated coldness in his stance, one that severely agitates the beast awakening in Knox.

The need to protect his brother and his boy clashes violently with the necessity to stick to the plan.

What the fuck are they saying out there? Knox can see the men's mouths moving, but he's too far away to make out any words.

His vision doesn't turn red until he hears the sound of a swift, ringing slap.

"Shit—" Gavin's free hand reaches out to stop Knox from reacting, but it's too late.

The sting of the backhand to Everett's face is mirrored by the rush of fury that forces Knox to move before thinking clearly. He cocks his gun and aims it directly at the redhead outside, one finger seconds away from curling around the trigger. He's prepared to unleash the full clip on the same man he's meant to help capture alive until Finn breaks free and throws himself at Ghost, sending both men crashing to the ground.

Everett, his shock slowly fading, springs into action by adding his weight and fists to the struggle against Ghost.

"Go! Go! Go!" Gavin's commanding voice once again fills the inside of the empty mall. "Light those goddamn vans up before they can turn in here! I want all those motherfuckers inside dead!"

Without hesitation, Knox and his brothers surge out of their hiding spots and toward the confrontation.

. . .

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