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In the waiting room of Keith's private practice, Everett sits hunched in the hard chair with his elbows resting on his knees. His hands are clasped together, his chin resting atop, and his eyes are fixed on the double doors that lead to the operating room.

It's been an hour and some change since he, Gavin, and Josie arrived with Knox.

The vivid image of Knox's pale face, his still limbs, being rushed away on a stretcher by Keith is permanently burned into Everett's mind. Now dry and flaking, Knox's blood still stains Everett's clothes... a cruel and constant reminder of Knox's close brush with death.

Everett's thoughts darken as the time ticks on.

A hollow kind of numbness has been slowly spreading its way throughout him like a virus, starting from the moment Knox fell unconscious in his arms to now. The thought of losing Knox only amplifies the trembling of his hands, his stomach churning with a relentless blend of sadness and fear.

When Gavin clears his throat to speak, Everett blinks and returns to the present moment, looking over at the older man with a raised brow.

"It's late as hell. You two should head back to the clubhouse," Gavin suggests, one hand resting on Josie's bouncing knee. "I'll stay here with Doc and Knox. I'm sure he's going to pull through—"

"No," Everett interrupts, his voice flat as he returns to staring forward. They're all exhausted, hungry, and frustrated. But not enough to leave without confirmation that Knox will be okay. "I'm not going anywhere until I see Knox again."

"Me too." Josie rests her hands on her large belly when the baby kicks in agreement, her voice softening as she glances at her husband. "The baby is going to be fine, so don't even give me that look. You and I both know we've been through worse."

Before Gavin can protest, his cell phone rings.

"I'll be back in a minute." He curses under his breath as he rises from his seat to take the call. "Now's not a good fucking time..." Moving away for privacy, Everett faintly catches a few angry sentences. "You tell them I said to destroy it all! Everything that those motherfuckers own, I want it all burned to the ground. Make it happen tonight." He pauses to let the other person speak. "Knox is still in surgery... Yeah, he got fucked up pretty bad."

"Stay positive." Josie reaches for Everett's hand after catching the fresh wave of panic that crosses his face at Gavin's grim but truthful words. "I know it's generic advice, but I'm all out of the right words to say."

Everett barely feels her touch, his gaze still stuck on the double doors.

"We've barely had time to process losing Alvin, and then this shit happens..." She trails off with a helpless shake of her head, her eyes red-rimmed from crying. "Just kind of getting tired of it all, you know? I mean, I knew what I was getting myself into when I committed to Gavin, but... shit, living this life is goddamn hard sometimes."

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