50 // Burn It Down

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Instead of being held the full forty-eight hours, Knox gets released the very next morning, courtesy of the club having a powerful and competent lawyer on retainer.

The heavy metal door of the county jail clanks open and Knox strides out with his usual swagger and cocky grin. His eyes squint against the bright sunlight, the heat a welcoming sensation now that his freedom is back.

But he barely makes it ten steps away from the hellhole before the detective who'd been harassing him over the last twenty-four hours calls out one final threat.

"Don't get too comfortable out there, Hansley. I'm not through with you yet."

Knox doesn't waste energy turning around. "Hope you have a shit day, detective."

He tries to turn on his cell phone to call Everett, desperate to hear his voice, but the screen remains black.

Further out into the parking lot, Knox spots Gavin leaning against his truck. Having been charged with all types of shit over the years, but never murder because he'd never been sloppy until now, Knox is flooded with relief upon seeing a familiar face.

The nightmare is almost over.

"Welcome back." Gavin claps him on the back and hands him a bag containing two breakfast sandwiches wrapped in foil. "Figured you'd be starving."

"You have no idea." Knox climbs into the passenger seat and quickly scoffs down the first sandwich. Gavin starts the engine and pulls out of the lot, neither of them looking back.

"I still can't believe those fucks took you in without any solid evidence," Gavin says. "I'm still debating if I should have Elizabeth look into seeing if we can sue them for...defamation or whatever the fuck."

"I'm over it. Don't even waste her time," Knox chuckles.

A few more minutes into the drive, Gavin breaks the silence with an unsettling sigh.

"So, a lot happened while you were in there. I got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?"

With the way his luck has been going lately, Knox needs something positive to cling to.

"I could use some good news right about now."

He takes a ravenous bite from the second sandwich, the flavors doing little to distract him from the unease that's been his constant companion since those handcuffs clicked shut around his wrists.

"Well, Mason came through like he always does," Gavin says. "He corrupted you and Finn's cell records. If the cops try to snoop around now, they won't find shit."

And if the cops can't tie Knox to the crime scene, then they have nothing but a cold case on their hands.

"Thank fuck." Knox sags back in his seat, some of the tension draining from his muscles as thoughts of Everett fill his mind again. His cheeky smile, his pretty brown eyes... Knox needs to see him, touch him, breathe him in while they celebrate this small win.

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