46 // Pigs

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The sun shifts and cuts through the windshield as Knox loosens his grip on the steering wheel, his tanned knuckles contrasting against the black leather.

Old-school rock music blasts through the truck's speakers, but the silence from Everett booms even louder. He's been in a world of his own, staring out the passenger window with a far-off look in his eyes.

There's a lingering regret in the pit of Knox's stomach about the night before when he laid everything out on the table in telling Everett that he didn't want to be his boyfriend only for show, but for real. The lack of a definitive response that followed has since stirred up a well of nerves Knox usually keeps under control.

Was it a mistake for him to tell Everett that? Was it wrong for him to convince Gary that he can take care of his son when Knox is fully aware that he has more enemies in this world than friends?

Is he kidding himself by trying to establish a relationship with someone so completely his opposite?

The near-death experience he recently suffered had clearly stripped away his caution regarding Everett. If not for that encounter with Ghost, Knox probably wouldn't have ever voiced those emotions last night.

Maybe some lines aren't meant to be crossed after all.

As they eventually pull into the parking lot of the grocery store, Knox lowers the volume on the radio. "Going in?"

Everett shakes his head without even looking at him, opting to stay in the car.

"Okay..." Knox mutters, frustrated. He shuts off the engine and removes his seatbelt. "Want anything from inside?"  

"A bag of chips, please."

"Spicy sweet chili Doritos?"

The correct guess earns him a slight smile from Everett, one that lit up his anxious heart for a moment.

"That's it," Everett says. "Thanks."

"Be back in a second. Call if you need anything else." Knox carries the small win with him as he shops quickly, moving with purpose up and down the aisles.

He's back outside in under twenty minutes. The solitary shopping, unfortunately, did nothing to ease the growing knot fixed in his stomach.

He places Josie's items and the dog food in the backseat, then hands Everett his chips. He receives another whispered thanks before driving off. And much like when they began this trip home, it's quiet, apart from the sounds coming from the radio.

But eventually, a familiar tune floats through the truck, and Everett's voice threads through the notes so smoothly and softly that Knox can't help but perk up.

"Wouldn't be surprised to find out you were a singer in a past life," he compliments with a low chuckle. "You sound good. No bullshit."

Everett glances at him, shyly. "I wanted to be a million different things when I was little... a singer was one of them."

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