44 // Before The Storm (Censored)

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As the credits of an unremembered movie scroll across the TV screen, Knox awakens to the sound of music—a ringtone, maybe?—playing.

Everett's head rests comfortably against Knox's chest, their breaths no longer in sync as Knox's eyes flutter open, his senses sharpening when he spots Everett's cell phone ringing and vibrating on the nightstand.

A frown creases his brow as he carefully reaches for the phone and reads the name on the screen.


Who the fuck is Michael? And why the fuck does Michael have a purple heart emoji beside his name?

A flash of jealousy explodes within Knox as he starts to imagine all the different ways to make a man's murder look like an accident. Then rationality kicks in to remind him that Michael is the name of one of Everett's best friends.

Knox chuckles quietly to himself as the call ends, his jealousy and anger fading with it. 

"Whose phone is going off?" Everett's voice is groggy and muffled against Knox's chest as he stirs awake.

"Yours. It was Michael." Knox hands over the phone, suppressing the residual twinge of jealousy that dares to linger. "That's your friend, right? Or is there another Michael that I need to be made aware of?"

Everett laughs and sits up to stretch. "I only know one Michael, and yes he's my best friend, so tell your beast to relax. I told Michael and Alissa that I was coming back into town for a bit, so they probably want to hang out before I leave again."

"Don't let me stop you," Knox says, though the most selfish and needy part of him screamed to do exactly that—keep Everett all to himself. "I know they're probably fed up with not having seen you in so long."

"Seriously... Who even are you anymore?" Everett's brows lift in surprise. "You'd really let me go out alone with them?"

"Why not? You deserve a break from all the bullshit we've been in."

"Yeah, you keep saying that..." Everett pauses, considering.

Knox's usual overprotectiveness has been notably absent these last two weeks, making Everett question if the man's soul really did get swapped with someone else's as Keith fought to keep him alive. Every other confession and encouraging word that comes out of Knox's mouth has Everett wanting to scream, Snap out of it! and Please, keep this new version of yourself! 

"They live just a few blocks away from here, right? I can send my guys home and keep watch for the day." Knox's tone is nonchalant, but his gaze is intense in a way that feels comforting rather than intimidating.

"Thanks for offering, but I can't and won't have you do that." Everett kisses his shoulder, smiling warmly. "I can hang out with them tomorrow, and... if you want, you can join us. No pressure. Do you think we can stick around town for another day?"

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