35 // Always Claimed

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Knox usually goes into a mission with a clear head, but with Everett being part of the crew for today's confrontation with Ghost, his thoughts are scattered all over the damn place.

He walks quietly behind Everett and Finn as they make their way outside to join the others.

His attention shifts as a small twinge of possessiveness strikes him when Everett laughs dramatically at something Finn says. Knox puts an end to their conversation by moving to walk between them. Finn smirks, catching the hint, and eventually breaks off to walk in a different direction.

"I feel so bad about leaving Bear behind. I hope he doesn't give Josie too much of a hard time." Everett nudges Knox in the side when he doesn't offer a response. "Hey, where are you right now?"

Knox glances at Everett. "Here with you." 

"Smartass. You know what I meant." Everett sighs, rolling his eyes. "Look, I get that you're still upset about me tagging along with you guys, but I—"

"I'm not upset, Everett. I'm fucking livid, and I'm done talking about it. You've already made your decision." Knox stops beside his motorcycle and takes the bulletproof vest from Everett's hands. "Take off your shirt."

"Oh. In front of all your brothers?" Everett teases with a playful grin, his fingers dancing along the hem of his oversized t-shirt. "I didn't know you were into exhibitionism, but I guess I'm down."

Knox's lips twitch as a smile threatens to break free, but his grey eyes remain focused and serious as he holds up the vest. "Take the damn shirt off so I can help you get into this."

"Okay, okay. Just trying to lighten the mood," Everett mutters under his breath while taking off his shirt and tossing it onto the handlebar of Knox's bike. He says nothing more as Knox secures the vest over his tank top, then adjusts and tightens the straps. "Damn. Are you punishing me or is this thing supposed to be this snug? Maybe I need to try a bigger size or something..."

"You don't. It's meant to be snug." Knox chuckles, the sound unexpected and rough. He passes Everett his shirt back when he finishes with the vest, and a momentary silence settles between them as he puts the shirt back on. Everett disrupts it by reaching for Knox's hand and placing it on his cheek, their eyes locking as worry bounces back and forth between them. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't try to fucking sweet-talk me right now."

Everett grins and shifts his face to kiss Knox's palm before lowering the man's hand to their sides.

"I understand why you're pissed at me, and I promise I'll make it up to you when we get back. Wherever you want, however you want..." Everett wiggles his brows, but Knox's stern expression never falters. "God, I'm trying really hard here, but you're making this more difficult than it needs to be."

"For a damn good reason! It's one thing to come up with a plan; it's something else entirely to act that plan out while trying not to get killed—something you have zero experience in doing." Knox's voice, always so confident and strong, wavers just a fraction. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm already in this tight ass vest, Knox. I'm not backing out now. Can you please just—"

The distant roar of multiple motorcycles breaks the intimate bubble around them. They both glance over to see Gavin giving the call to action. "Ready up!"

"Let's go." Knox leads Everett over to the Jackal's car that he'll be traveling in with Finn. He pushes his emotions down with every step he takes, or at least he tries, until the only thing he feels is pure rage.

Everett, on the other hand, sheds some of his confidence with every second that passes. Knox notices every twitch that his fingers make, every head jerk in response to a sound he isn't familiar with. He was desperately trying to come off as relaxed before, but Knox saw through the bullshit. And maybe he is being a little too hard on the boy, but so fucking what? Anything to keep him safe.

Anything to keep him alive.

"I won't let anything happen to him, Knox. You know I'm good at this shit." Finn meets his brother's eyes while making the pledge. "I'll even make sure he puts his seatbelt on and everything."

"Okay, relax. I'm not a damn toddler," Everett grumbles while Finn laughs. He turns his attention back to Knox and reaches for his cut, tugging him closer. "You'll be right behind us?"

Knox nods. "Right behind you, kitten."

That nickname, filled with so much damn affection, just does it for Everett every time. He pushes up on his toes to claim Knox's mouth, exchanging a kiss that carries its own weighted promise—a silent vow that they would get through this, that everything would be alright simply because they believed it.

Finn gives them privacy and moves to slide into the driver's seat of the car, starting it up.

"Be good," Knox whispers after the kiss. "And listen to whatever Finn tells you."

Everett rolls his eyes. "I like it better when I'm taking orders from you."

"Oh, yeah? I'll remember that from now on," Knox smirks.

"I'm sure you will." Everett blushes, pulling back. "See you in a few."

As Everett climbs into the passenger seat of the car, Knox's fingers itch with the urge to pull him out of it. Instead, he refocuses his mind on the mission as he goes to mount his bike.

It really doesn't matter how he feels right now—nervous, anxious, excited to finally have Ghost within his grasp—he has to place full trust in Gavin's plan. Most of all, he has to believe that Everett will be able to fend for himself if or when the moment strikes.

Thoughts like that force Knox to admit that, even after Everett leaves to return to his old life, Knox won't truly let him go.

Once claimed, always claimed.

. . .

a/n: how's everyone feeling so far? 👀 how are we thinking the next few chapters are gonna go?

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a/n: how's everyone feeling so far? 👀 how are we thinking the next few chapters are gonna go?

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