37 // Low on Luck (Censored)

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Their gritty surroundings have long faded into the background, nothing and no one is on their radar at the moment except for the two of them.

Mouths and hands continue roaming, gripping, and kissing until Everett's sensitivity reaches the point where he has to literally lean against Knox to stay upright.

"Wanna go home and go to sleep with you and Bear." Everett yawns, feeling relaxed to the bone as Knox takes care of his lower half, fixing and zipping him back up. "Screw it. Let's sneak out the back..."

Knox laughs, one hand resting on Everett's hip and the other cupping his cheek. "If I knew this would be all it'd take to change your fucking mind about coming here, I'd have had your cock in my mouth hours ago."

"Have I mentioned how much I adore your dirty mouth?" Everett giggles, throwing his arms around Knox and kissing him. "How much longer do we have? I want to take care of you, too." He lowers one arm to rest his hand on the waistband of Knox's jeans. "Want to pay you back..."

"Later, kitten. This was for you, so don't worry about me—" Knox is interrupted by someone shouting his name. He and Everett exhale a sigh of annoyance together. "Time to get back out there."

Everett nods, reluctantly stepping back. "Let's go."

By the time they make it back outside, hand in hand, the pressure to perform returns full force. But the one who looks the most stressed out of the bunch is Gavin, his face twisted in sheer frustration.

"Hey! Did you two suddenly forget what the fuck it is that we came here to do?" Gavin marches toward them like they're the cause of his bad day. He stops Knox dead in his tracks by placing a hand on his chest. "I've been calling and texting you nonstop, man. Where the fuck were you?"

"Busy." Knox's voice is as sharp as the wind blowing as he removes Gavin's hand from his chest. Then, an automatic and protective gesture, he tugs Everett to stand behind him. "What's the problem?"

"What's the problem? The better questions is what's not the fucking problem?" Gavin drags a hand over his face, his nostrils flaring. "I had Big Al stay back to watch the road that leads here. He just called to confirm he spotted Ghost on his bike, and about twenty minutes behind him are three service vans."

Everett peeks his head around Knox's body. "You think more Jackals are hiding out in the vans?"

"Possibly," Gavin says. "We've used the same ruse before when doing runs out of the county. My guess is they don't want to draw any unwanted attention, which is why the vans are keeping space between them and Ghost so they aren't associated with one another."

"Makes sense," Knox adds. "Fucking cops have a hard-on when it comes to bikers. Everyone near them who so much as looks suspect is automatically guilty by association."

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