Mother hen

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Guys let's be real. Remus Lupin was so not the mother hen of the marauders- that bitch would skip meals to study and refuse help after full moons and laugh at his friends when their pranks would backfire.

The real mother hen was James "Remus stop picking at that scar you're going to make it bleed, Sirius you're not too punk for breakfast sit down and eat your eggs, Peter as much as approve of your chess skills you need to stop and do your Charms homework" Potter.
Imagine once Sirius runs away to live with the Potters, Sirius is doing something ridiculous and James and Mrs. Potter walk in at the same time, and scold him at the same time in the same tone of voice, and all the color just drains out of James' face and he goes to his room and won't come out for supper because he can still hear Sirius and Mrs. Potter roaring with laughter and he knows he'll never live this down because oh god he's become his mother.

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