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Y/n pov
It was a normal day well at least it was for me my mom told me that she was going to be gone for 3 days it had something to do with work I woke up took a shower and just put a baggy Nirvana shirt on and some plaid black and grey shorts I stared at myself in the mirror gosh I hate my legs I hate my thighs and my arms I skipped breakfast I wasn't hungry since I was at home and no one was there I didn't change into sweat pants anyways I was gonna be in my room all day. I decided to draw in my sketch pad I used to draw a lot when I was younger but I just stopped for a while I put music on my tv as always and it was pretty loud I wasn't in the mood today so I put my favorite band Nirvana and I also played Mother Mother I let all my anger out on my page and cried Nirvana helped me cope with my anxiety but only sometimes after a an hour of drawing I heard a tap on my window I was confused mad paranoid that it was something bad so I got a baseball bat out of my closet put it against the wall just incase and I opened my window once I opened it I saw that curly headed boy from last night I was in shock without no hesitation he climbed in my room my music still loud so I paused it. "Excuse me who are you and what makes you think you can just climb in my room" I said with a little attitude because I wanted no one to see me in these shorts and you could tell I was crying "jeez calm down I'm miles my little sister and my grandma came over here yesterday"he said moving the hair out of his face "what are you staring at" I ask anxiously I was so self conscious that I went on my bed and covered the myself with the blanket "I was just looking at you cuz I'm talking to you" he says confused I was almost crying "why are you crying" he asks sitting next to me on my bed "why do you care what are you even doing here" I wiped my tears and glared at him "calm down Mrs.grose was talking about you and your mom all day yesterday and she told me to introduce myself so that's what I'm trying to do" he seemed pretty awkward "why didn't you just use the door"I was still sad "because why use the stupid door when the window is so much closer" "so are you just gonna stare or are you gonna introduce yourself" he looked at me snapping me out of my thoughts "first of all you should be introducing yourself first" it was already getting dark "hey miles it's getting late we can do this tomorrow ok I just don't really like people so your lucky I'm talking to you but you can come tomorrow I guess" I scoff "alright then see you tomorrow"he smiled and climbed out my window climbing back into his. I sat on the window sill looking up at the sky lost in my thoughts. I can't believe someone like him was talking to me without getting scared or being rude I normally don't talk to people but he seemed different. I look back at his window and he's playing guitar again but only for a short time because it's night he then looks up at me and smiles why does he keep smiling at me people never treat me like this especially guys they think I'm weird and call me names. I didn't sleep I kept thinking about him I don't know why he just seemed different. I then closed my window. And played my music.

Sorry this chapter was short I just wanted to put the introducing in one whole chapter

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now