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Y/n pov
Today is the first day of school so I need to get ready
I put on a basic outfit but not too basic if that makes sense and I do my hair and walk right out the door saying bye to my mom
Miles pov
I had to go to school today
I'm going to see y/n at school and I wanna apologize but there's one thing I have to do first
Basically there's this girl Lily
She has a crush on me but I don't like her at all she's nothing like y/n

Honestly Lily just likes me cuz of my looks she calls me hot but it's annoying she doesn't even know me like y/n

But at last we arrive at school and guess who comes up to me this bitch Lily "Milessss heyyy hottie"she says and grabs my hand "get your crusty ass hand off me you bitch" I roll my eyes and her eyes widen "oh come on miles I know you like me that's why your being mean so when you gonna ask me out"this bitch is so stupid I swear "Actually Lily I'd love to go out with you" I say sarcastically "REALLY" she has a big smile on her face "hah in your dreams"I scoff and walk away and I can still hear her friends talking "told you Lily he's such a weirdo"one says "yeah did you here that psycho killed his parents" the other girl says "he's a weird Lonely emo kid" they laugh

"Yeah I know you guys, anyways why would anyone like a weird emo psycho kid like that I was just gonna use him for his looks"Lily laughs
Then someone walked over to us. It was y/n

"Why don't you leave him the fuck alone Lily"

Y/n pov
I saw miles with Lily and her other friends and I was jealous they were all prettier than me of course miles was dating one of them already he probably moved on from me

As I was walking closer I hear those fake bitches laughing and miles walking off he looked upset and I heard Lily say miles was weird because she's a loudmouth so I decided to speak up for miles cuz even though we're not dating he's still like my best friend and I'm gonna apologize cuz I feel bad and I don't wanna lose him
My best friend

So I walked over to them "why don't you leave him the fuck alone Lily" I sighed annoyed and she looked at me and so did miles so I flipped Lily and her friends off "Oh well isn't it Y/n L/n
what's a lonely bitch like you even talking to me huh your pathetic" this bitch I swear "Lily just shut up you plastic low life bitch I'm too tired for your loudmouth this morning so just shut up and keep walking huh and he's not weird so leave him alone got it" I say I was annoyed already but yet proud of myself for standing up to them
"aww I'm sorry I'm sorry that you have a sad lonely little life yeah you heard me your so ugly no one likes you everyone avoids you"she spat at me and pouted sarcastically and as soon as I was about to go off and lash out at her I felt someone's arm around my shoulder and their hand in mine and as I look up it was Miles, Miles Fairchild

"Hey Lily that's not true first of all she's not lonely cuz she has me second of all she's NOT ugly bitch she ain't yo mirror third of all I like her more than you more than anyone for that matter" when he said that Lily scoffed and walked away with her friends and I looked up at him with awe
"Look before you say anything or walk away I just wanna say I'm sorry,very sorry y/n I shouldn't have yelled at you or argued but I've got the consequences which was being alone but Can you forgive me" He scratched his neck sheepishly but before he can hear my response verbally I pulled him in a tight hug not wanting to let go gosh I've missed him

"So is that a yes" he says "mhm"I mumble and nod "THANK GOD I've missed you so much you have no idea"he hugs back "yeah same I didn't want to lose my best friend" I pull away "I didn't either" he cupped my face "but promise you won't do that again" I stare in his eyes "Promise"he smiles and we walk to class together.
At Home

Miles pov
Me and y/n walked home together. We were busy catching up and we decided to go to her house since her mom isn't home "Finally, Ive been waiting all day for this" Y/n sighs as she flops on the couch " thanks again for a for calling out Lily for me today" I say as a awkward smile grows on my face "don't mention it, now cmon let's go to my room" she grabs my hand and leads me upstairs

I sit on her bed and wait for her as she kicks off her shoes takes off her jewelry. I just admire her she's so beautiful,elegant,gorgeous, there's no words to explain how lovely she is. I've missed her so much. I've missed her presence with me her hand in mine our walks together our hugs our deep conversations how she comforts me our late night texts when we climb through each others window I've missed it all.

"So are we gonna talk about what happened or are you gonna just sit there and stare" she sits next to me I knew she was still kind of annoyed about what happened "I-I wanna talk" I stutter I hate myself for what I did to her "well then I'll start first" she paused and took a deep breath

"I'm sorry miles I know that you were sad and you needed me but you shouldn't have yelled but I know you were probably upset already and I feel like the argument was both of our faults and I'm truly sorry because you are like my only best friend I have and I don't wanna lose you but this past month has been really hard for me because I feel like I need you like there was a purpose I met you and I-I-I was overthinking that you have moved on and you found someone better and just forgot all about me"once she said that she broke she dug her face into her hands and cried

"Y/n aww don't cry I wanted to say sorry too" She looked up once I said that "I'm so so sorry y/n I know I messed up and I hate myself for how I treated you because you mean so much to me you see I've never felt like this with anyone before your the only person who gets me and we don't even have to get back together if you want I just wanna be with you again your my best friend too"
"Look I didn't come here to your house to win you back or to go back to what we were before which I know was special but having you with me if important to me so Y/n I am truly sorry can you forgive me please"

"You really mean that?" She sniffles "of course I mean that"I take my sleeve and wipe her tears away "I forgive you" She looks up and smiles sweetly "wait you still kept the bracelets on" She looks shocked and takes my hand to examine it
"Oh uh y-yeah I kept them on I also kept your sweaters you left here if you want them back-"I scratch my neck sheepishly I was embarrassed she probably took them off "aww that's so sweet I kept mine on too their just important to me yknow, I also still have the stuffed animals"she fidgets with her bracelets "so we're good" I say "mhm all good" she rubs my hand with her thumb "c-can I g-give you a hug I've really missed them and it's been a whole month without them" I say

"Of course come here" she opens her arms for a hug as we just sit on her bed in each others arms finally

Together again

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now