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Miles pov
I woke up depressed. I was feeling sad yesterday as well. Only y/n and Flora were the ones keeping me here. My whole life is fucked up. Me and Flora got in a fight she's been ignoring me and I made her cry. I feel like a shit older brother. The only thing that wasn't fucked up was y/n.

I miss her so much. I know it's only been a day but I feel bad and I just wanna be in her arms.
Her holding me while I cry.
I grabbed my phone and started texting her

My love🖤

Good morning my love🖤

My love🖤
Good morning Miles how'd you sleep💗

Not that good because you weren't there🙁

My love🖤
Aww that's sad to know😕

Yeah it is but I was wondering can you maybe come over I'm sad and I want you to cheer me up your the only one who can🙁

My love🖤
Sure my cousin is going out anyways and my mom has work, today is gonna be about you and me💗

I like the sound of that ❤️

Miles pov
I look up from my phone and I see y/n climb through my window I usually leave my window open for her incase she has a bad dream or something and she does the same in matter of fact she was the one who started doing that.

Tears fill my eyes and I walk up to her and hug her and I start crying "aww miles love it's okay cry all you want take your time"She says. Her voice soft it was so comforting and soothing.
We both sit on my bed and she calls her mom. I guess Victoria was staying at a friends house.
Y/n's mom was also working a double shift so it was just me and y/n. "Y/n I wanna go to sleep I'm tired" I say as I yawn "it will make me feel better if you come lay down with me" I say as I put a smile on my face so she couldn't say no
She rolls her eyes playfully and lays down next to me
I instantly pull her close to me. Finally peace
I put some music on of course because music is life
And we both go to sleep I hug her like she's a teddy bear I never want to let go
I never feel comfort like this "Y/n" I whisper "hm" I hear as a response "wanna listen to some deftones" I say and she turns to look at me "hell yeah I do" she responds with a cute smile on her face and kisses my cheek
I hear her phone ring it was her cousin "hey y/n your mom said if we could meet her at the gas station and we have to do some things after that"I hear through the phone "oh shit I totally forgot my mom told me yesterday I'll meet you there"she hangs up the phone "hey I thought it was gonna be me and you"You can hear the hurt in my voice "I know miles but this is really important and I know your thinking what can possibly be more important than you but my mom has been telling me about this it's a job interview for her and I need to go enroll for school" she says "ima be quick ima tell my mom to take me to enroll then come back here right away"  she kisses me and I start to cry
"No y/n I-I I need you" "Fine if this is more important to you go I obviously don't mean a lot to you" I cry at her "Miles are you okay you know your kind of being an asshole" she says "IM BEING AN ASSHOLE YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE HERE YOU KNOW WHAT Y/N I THINK WE SHOULD TAKE A BREAK FROM EACH OTHER" I was mad not at y/n but at myself
"Fine if that's how you want it have fun sleeping by yourself" she was so calm but I knew she was mad "wait- no y/n I didn't mean it"I grab her wrist so she won't leave
"No miles your acting like an asshole and I know that you're sad but I NEED to do this I'm trying my best" "Miles we're taking a break then" she says "SO YOUR JUST BREAKING UP WITH ME" I shout I was mad "ME I DIDN'T MAKE THAT DECISION YOU WERE THE ONE WHO BROUGHT UP THE IDEA SO YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME" she was annoyed "ME"I question and she calms down "Miles I don't want to argue yes you but it doesn't matter who breaks up with who we're just taking a break and I gotta go bye Miles I hope you have time to think everything over" that's all she said before I here the door close

She left

Now there I was laying in my bed crying hugging her jacket she had left here I know it's pathetic but she was special now I'm just crying alone with the window open hoping for her to climb in but I know she won't

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now