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Y/n pov
I woke up to miles watching Tv " good morning love how'd you sleep" he says kissing my head " Great" I say rubbing my eyes "wanna pop tart" he says waving the pop tart in my face " Nah I'm not hungry" I say moving it out my face "cmon y/n just a piece you gotta eat something" He says with a worried face "fine"I sigh and eat a little piece as he kisses my cheek. I could tell he was happy. "Oh and I suggest you check your vanity/desk"he says winking at me "okay?" I say confused and laughing a little.
I walk up to my vanity and I see a note Hey princess this is just a daily reminder that your gorgeous hot adorable and all of the above there are no words to describe you, oh and there is a surprise for you down stairs but first look at the bracelet I made for you.
Once I read this I look down and see a bracelet that has my favorite colors on it and the beads say M+(your first initial) I put on the bracelet and go downstairs and I see miles downstairs with my favorite candy. "Oh my gosh miles I love this bracelet and is that my favorite candy" I say with a huge smile on my face "yeah sorry it's not much"he scratches his neck awkwardly "it's okay miles I love it"I say hugging him "oh and I also got you this"he says pulling out a little stuffed bear "aww it's so cute"I say hugging it "so y/n I-I wanted to ask you w-will you be my g-girlfriend" he says kicking his feet and my jaw drops "REALLY of course I would"I say kissing him "thank goodness you said yes I was so worried you were gonna say no"he says "why would I say no"I say looking at him "I don't know"he stutters "well I like the bracelet"I say fidgeting with it "oh yeah I forgot to show you I got a matching one"he says showing it off "I got an idea" I say dragging him up the stairs as I pull out a box out of my closet "we can make more bracelets"I say showing him my box "Yeah sounds great"he says as we sit on my floor as we make the bracelets I give him one and he gives me one he has one with my name and my favorite colors and I have one with his name and his favorite colors we then start making random ones and then we put the box away we put on the bracelets and we both like them "they look great"he says looking at his wrist and looking at mine "so what should we do now" I say sitting on my bed "hey do you wanna go to the fair tomorrow" he says pacing around "think of it as a date"he says "yeah there's nothing else to do tomorrow" I say.
It was already 9:00 pm "Miles I'm tired" I say as I  yawn and he puts his arm around me "your tired already it's only 9:00 pm" he laughs softly "well I don't know I'm kind of tired"I say looking up at him and he rolls his eyes playfully and once I lay down I fell asleep he did too.

Sorry that this chapter was short and sorry if it's bad and cringe I have no ideas literally I don't know what I'm making I literally threw my phone across the room I died of cringe💀

A little filler chapter

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now