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Time skip about a month

Y/n's pov
It's been almost a month since me and miles broke up or took a "break" My cousin left back to Florida so that means I'm alone again

These past few days I felt empty almost.I cry every night and day with no one to comfort me because the only person who did was Miles
I haven't talked to him and I feel more depressed then ever without him

He was the only one who understood me but now look at me I'm now crying until I can't breath with my window open mentally drained and bored I can't feel anything anymore but I do know one thing

I want miles with me right now next to me feeling his warm body he was or is my comfort and I'm over thinking everything but now thinking about it our argument wasn't totally his fault it was kind of mine too

Like he shouldn't have yelled but I was kind of being selfish I mean he needed me and I pushed him away
Im crying to the teddy bear he got me

I want to see him so bad but then I don't.
He's coming over for dinner tonight my mom invited them completely clueless she didn't know we dated or broke up
The plan is to not make things awkward anyways I'm going to see Mrs.Grose and Flora not just Miles

Now I'm not the type to get ready but I can't look like this so I brush my hair and put on a decent outfit and go downstairs
I see Miles but I avoid eye contact and I hug Flora and I shake hands with Mrs.Grose and we sit at the table

Miles sits across from me and the whole time he's staring and now it's time for them to leave cuz dinners over and tomorrow is the first day of school ugh

Hey sweethearts💗I knowwww this chapter is short but I kinda ran out of ideas so don't judge and I got school tomorrow too🧍‍♀️but ima try to update anyways but love you

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now