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Y/n pov
It was morning again ugh I didn't wanna get up. I put some grey sweatpants on but not my hoodie cuz I loved the nirvana shirt I had on.I went downstairs and tried to eat an apple I ate a few bites and went back to my room. I never left my room only sometimes. I then heard a tap on my window and when I opened it I saw miles I was surprised he came back most people wouldn't. He sat on my bed and I did the same. "Cool shirt you like nirvana" he says looking at my shirt "oh um yeah there my favorite band" I say nervously "well I'm miles you probably know that already and I just moved in from my old house my old house was like a mansion but I'm glad we moved I also play guitar" he was introducing himself he was so eager to introduce himself I don't really like to but why was he so eager but he was probably just being nice he probably even has a girlfriend I wanted to ask but I'm to nervous my anxiety started to kick in "well um I'm y/n I love music I like rock such as nirvana but I also like Lana del Rey and some rap and I'm 16 and I play drums" I didn't know what else to say I probably sounded dumb gosh I'm so stupid "cool I also play drums" he said "cool" there was a little awkward silence "do you wanna listen to music" i say shyly "sure put whatever you want" "mhm"I say putting on nirvana of course it's my favorite I put About A Girl it was a good song I grab my sketch book and start sketching him he was just busy listening to the music. I admired his features and started drawing them all. From the curly black hair to the soft freckles that sprinkled all over his face. "I do keep a number too" he mumbled singing the lyric from the song before he could sing the next lyric I chime in "I do keep a date with you" I mumble to myself not expecting him to hear it and he looks at me with a soft smile on his face "watcha drawing" he tries to look at my drawing but I couldn't let him see that I was drawing him "oh nothing just random" I say almost blushing "cmon lemme see" he grabs the paper and a small smirk grows on his face I can feel my cheeks burn up a bit "great choice it's looks amazing" he says still staring at the paper "s-sorry for making this weird I-I don't know what I was thinking drawing you we just met an-" I was cut off as he grabs my hand "it's okay y/n you didn't make anything awkward I'm flattered that you decided to draw me" he moves a strand of hair behind my ear " your really pretty" my eyes start to fill up with tears no one has ever said that to me before my mom had said it a couple times but she's been so busy I didn't feel pretty at all I was so insecure I began to cry "shit I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to make you cry gosh I'm so stupid" he was panicking did he actually care "its okay miles you didn't do anything wrong it's just I'm really insecure about myself and when you said that I thought that you didn't mean it no one has ever called me pretty only my mom but she doesn't say it like that anymore" he hugs me and I hug back my mind overloaded with thoughts I felt so comfortable hugging him as we both pull away I noticed it was night. "Hey miles it's night already you can come back tomorrow if you        w-want" I say staring into his eyes "sure y/n I would love to come back tomorrow" he gets off the bed and kisses my head "good night y/n I'll see you tomorrow" he winks  "n-night m-miles" I say blushing as he crawls back into his window and I see his light shut off. I kept thinking about him when he grabbed my hand his touch when he called me pretty when he put a strand of hair behind my ear his freckles his curly black hair his soft smiles and hug when he kissed my head I can't lie he's cute but I also was thinking if he had a girlfriend why would he kiss my head or call me pretty there might be a possibility he doesn't

Miles pov
I couldn't stop thinking about y/n she was so hot and beautiful she was driving me crazy in a good way though I know we just met but like I felt something special about her hopefully she doesn't have a boyfriend ima ask her tomorrow but one day she'll be mine hopefully

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now