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Y/N pov

I have to go to school again. Ugh.
I went to the fucken principal's office yesterday. What a bitch.
Ms. Grose was the one who went for Miles and I. She defended us and we walked out the door hah it was funny seeing how shocked our principal was.

Todays outfit is chill. A white band shirt with blue baggy jeans a red sweater and some white and black converse. Perfect.
I walked alone today with my headphones on. "all i want is you" by Rebzyyx was playing.

I reached the school doors not hesitating to walk in. A swarm of teens crowding the hallways. I went to my locker. "Hey gorgeous miss me" Miles cooed very confidently hm I like this side of him. When he's chipper.

I didn't have my first class with him. He kept texting me in class however.

I'm bored

Wow not even a hi smh

Oh my bad love hi

It was a joke miles it's fine but yeah I'm bored too

This stupid teacher is getting on my nerves


Meet me in the hallway love ok?

Y/n's pov

I turned off my phone. Luckily my teacher didn't notice I was on it. "Can I go to the bathroom" I said sweetly with a fake smile on my face trying to be as nice as possible because that teacher is a bitch to me.
"Yes you may" She rolled her eyes and sighed.

I started walking down the hallway not knowing where I was going until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I flinch a bit but I turn around and she Miles. He leans in and places a short sweet peck on my lips before hugging me. "Wow since when are you this touchy" I chuckle a bit

"I just..." He pauses and hesitates to answer then looks away "you just what miles" I turn his face towards me "I just miss youuu" He whines "you saw me yesterday" I roll my eyes playfully "I haven't seen you all day"

"Wanna skip with me" He smirks
I nod and he grabs my hand and we run out together joyfully not giving a single fuck

As me and miles were walking some blonde bitches were staring at him. I decided to not let it get to me so I brushed it off.

Until one of those girls walked up to us.
"Heyyyy" She says obnoxiously. I roll my eyes "uh what do you want can't you tell I'm with my girlfriend" Miles says confused pointing at me

"Oh she's your girlfriend" She looks at me up and down in disgust as I scoff "Hey what the fuck is your problem" Miles shouted

"She's my problem your way to good for her she's ugly as shit oops I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" The girl points and me and laughs and I looked up at miles who was enraged

"Shut the fuck up you plastic bitch unlike you my girlfriend is naturally pretty, you looked like you poured gallons of chemicals on your face so I suggest you wipe that shit off before you blind me and your friends better shut the fuck up" Miles slurred

He looked down at me "come on my love let's get out of here your too good to be around people like this" Miles grabbed my hand pulling me along with him somewhere

We walked for minutes until we reached a fence. "Um miles where are we and what are we doing here?" I ask softly not wanting to upset him

"Just trust me let me help you climb dear" He smiled at me and we both climbed the fence.

We reached a field the sight was beautiful.
"I'm sorry about those girls love and all those things she said" Miles felt guilty and he put his head down

I lifted his head up to look at me "don't blame yourself miles I learned to not let that stuff get to me" I paused for a moment and placed a soft kiss on his lips

"Thank you for standing up for me Miles"

"Your welcome darling"

"Just remember one thing" he says staring into the distance

"What is it" I say putting my head in his shoulder

"No matter what just remember all I want is you no one else"

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now