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Miles pov
I woke up to y/n cuddled into my chest. She was so adorable. I didn't want to get up but I wanted to start the day with us going on a walk outside. I know she likes to be in the house all day and I don't blame her I like to be in the house too.
But I think it'll be good for us to go outside just to walk around the block.
So I gently got up and and put a pillow under her to replace me. I kiss her exposed cheek and put on my shoes. "Y/n can we go on a walk" I whisper in her ear while lightly shaking her to wake her up. "You wanna go on a walk this early"she groans rubbing her eyes "cmon just around the block it'll be quick"I say moving the hair out of her face to see her natural beauty "fine" she says placing her hand on my cheek kissing my cheek. I blushed as I felt my heart stop. She gave me so much butterflies. She puts on her sneakers and I hold out my hand for her to grab "Shall we"I say giving her a smile "we shall"She says grabbing my hand smiling back. She's so elegant.
As we walk out the door. We walked in comfortable silence hand in hand with our fingers intertwined together it was as if our hands were glued to one another "So when we get home we're probably gonna be bored so do you mind if I teach you how to play some guitar if your up for it" I say breaking the silence looking down at her "Sure miles I'd love that" she says looking up at me smiling as I smile back. Her smile was so warm and adorable and it was comforting. A couple minutes past and we finally got home. "We should do more walks like that I actually enjoyed it" she says taking off her shoes. "I knew you would enjoy it we can go on a walk anytime you want"I say taking off my shoes "so what should we do"she says walking.
Towards the couch "Ima give you some guitar lessons remember"I say grinning "oh yeah let's go to your house"she says walking up to me "yeah cmon let's go" I say grabbing her hand again I love when our hands are touching. We go into my house and go inside my room as she sits on my bed and I grab my guitar and I sit next to her "okay so have you even played guitar before"I look at her "no"she says locking eyes with me as I put my hands around her waist and pull her on my lap. I had butterflies and I know she did too. "Okay put your fingers right...here" I say placing her fingers in the right spot and my hand are on top of hers guiding her on how to play. As 20 minutes goes by she breaks the silence."I think I got it miles" she says smiling at me "okay let's see what you've learned" I say taking my hands off hers and slowly sliding my hands down to her waist as I hugged her closer my hands on her waist and my head buried into her neck watching her play she was playing great "wow Y/n you learned quick your great"I say as she chuckles a bit "that's cuz I got a great teacher"she says as I melt into her words. She continues playing and she sets the guitar back where I had it. She sits back down on my lap and I hug her waist "yknow your hot when you play guitar"I whisper into her ear as I kiss her neck and she turns her head and wraps her arms around my neck
She kisses me and I kiss back her lips were so soft She pulls away and smiles at me with awe in her eyes and moves the hair from my face to see my eyes "you have pretty eyes" she says looking into my eyes "you do too"I say as I kiss her jawline down to her neck as she tilts her head a little back
as I pin her to the bed as we kiss once more gosh I love this girl
We pull away and just admire each other for a moment "thanks for the guitar lessons" she giggles "your welcome do you wanna sleep over at my house tonight instead"I say as our noses touch "yeah we can stay here for the night just let me go home and shower"she says without looking away from my eyes "you can shower here I can lend you some clothes"I blush slightly as she kisses my cheek "okay I will"she goes to my closet and picks out one of my sweaters and sweatpants "miles lemme just climb through my window to get some stuff like my brush"she says quickly kissing my lips as she climbs through her window and I sit on my bed thinking about her beautiful eyes and lips. She climbs back in my room and goes in the shower.
A few minutes pass and I hear the water turn off "dammit"I hear "uhm miles can you bring me a towel"I hear her say as I grab a towel slightly open the door with my eyes closed "here y/n" I say waving the towel around and I feel her grab the towel "thanks miles" I hear her say and I move my hand and she closes the door and I open my eyes and lay on my bed staring at the ceiling I had took a shower earlier. She comes out brushing her hair and sits beside me "may I" I say softly reaching my hand out for the brush "of course miles" she smiles and hands me the brush as I gently start brushing her hair. "There Im finished" I say I had done a braid on her hair I had learn to do a braid by practicing with flora it wasn't perfect but it was alright "wow miles since when did you know how to braid" Y/n says "I learned how to braid with my sister flora sorry it's not perfect"I say putting my head down I was kinda embarrassed "It's okay miles I love it"she says hugging me "oh and miles can I keep this sweater"she says showing off my sweater "yeah it looks way better on you you look adorable in my sweater"I say kissing her cheek and we cuddle On my bed slowly falling asleep together.

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now