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Miles pov
Today y/n's mom,Mrs.Grose, and Flora are coming back from there week long trip. I missed flora. I also had an amazing week with y/n or shall I say my new girlfriend. But y/n's cousin Victoria is visiting y/n told me about her yesterday. So I made a plan y/n can stay over my house or we can both stay in her room together.

I'm also very worried about y/n she is very insecure when it comes to Victoria. I don't know why though, Y/n thinks her cousin is perfect but Victoria is not she just piles makeup on her face.
I hear a knock on the door. Me and y/n go downstairs to open it. "MILES" Flora squealed as she hugged me tight "I missed you miles"she mumbled "I missed you too flora" I chuckled a little because it was only one week but she's 7 and we're always together. "Y/N IVE MISSED YOU TOO" she then hugged y/n. Y/n just smiled and hugged flora back. My two favorite girls<3

Time skip 2 hours
Y/n pov
Flora,My mom, and Mrs.Grose had came back from there trip two hours ago. I was playing with Flora earlier miles was playing too. Flora was tired after that trip. We were watching a movie and she fell asleep. So miles carried her to her room and we both put her asleep. I loved Flora. She's like a cute little sister to me.
Me and miles decided to go to my house. We told Mrs.Grose that Flora was asleep and we left. We haven't told Mrs.Grose or my mom about me and miles dating though. But she doesn't care what miles is doing honestly. But if miles is with me she knows he's safe. "Y/n I'll be back I'm going to go pick up your cousin from the airport bye" I heard my mom scream "k mom bye love you" I yelled back and rolled my eyes. I was laying down with miles and I stood up and saw my mom leave. I closed the door and went back with Miles.
I buried my head into his chest and cried. The neighborhood was playing on the TV and I started crying more into Miles's sweater "shh shh it's okay y/n what's wrong" He whispers and I look up at him and he wipes my tears with the sleeve of his sweater as I cry more "take your time it's okay" he said hugging me tighter with his head rested on top of mine. He didn't mind me staining his sweater with tears. I stopped crying and miles looked down at me "you okay?" He said with a sweet voice and an innocent look on his face.
"What's wrong" he said "everything" I said "oh is that really" he kinda looked sad "yeah except you and flora" I smiled and he smiled back and he kissed my cheek "well I made a plan yesterday"he says "oh you did what is this plan" I say kind of confused "well when your cousin comes you can spend time in my house or we can lock the door and hide in your room we can do both" he smiles "wow that's a great idea miles but my mom is gonna try to make me talk to her" I huff "well I'll say that Flora wants to play with me and you or I'll say that your asleep or we're having a sleepover" he winks and I laugh a little and roll my eyes playfully
"Well then sounds like we're going with your idea" I say and he smiles and gives me a little kiss before putting another song. Around 20 minutes pass and me and miles are just talking and laying down on my bed enjoying watch others company and presence. "Y/n your cousins here come down to say hi" my mom shouts and I sigh "ugh" I say "miles I'll be back" I say "y/n ima come with you just so you don't cry I'll keep you calm" miles insists and I worry a little but then I know I can trust him so I grab his hand and we walk downstairs together holding hands "oh y/n I didn't know Miles came over" my mom says confused and I see my cousin has a huge smirk on her face
"Oh miles you know I don't mind you coming over but Mrs.Grose called she said that Flora woke up crying for you" my mom says "oh miles I'll come to" I add "uh uh young lady your staying here while you and your cousin catch up anyways I invited the Fairchilds over for dinner tomorrow" my moms argues "I'll see you guys tomorrow then" he says "bye love" he whispers in my ear and winks before walking out the door and I blush a little "well y/n Victoria is going to be sleeping in your room tonight" my mom says "wait I thought she was sleeping in the guest room" I cross my arms and Victoria looks at me in disgust "she is but I want you guys to catch up and get to know each other better so she's having a sleepover in your room tonight" my mom says and I roll my eyes "don't have attitude with me young lady go to your room and you better try to be nice to Victoria" "Victoria darling why don't you go get your blankets and pillows" I look at my mom mad I wanted miles to be in my room with me not Victoria ugh well I gotta tell miles. I run up the stairs to my room and close the door I was so mad only miles can cheer me up only he understands me only he knows
I text miles

Y/n: hey miles my mom said that my stupid cousin is gonna sleep my room tonight🙄

Aww that sucks I wanted to sleepover😕

Yeah I wanted you to sleepover as well but I can't go over because my mom would get mad and my cousin will snitch🙁

It's okay love you can still text me ;)

Yeah I'll text you but for now night miles <3

Night love ❤️

As soon as I put my phone down my cousin walked in my room and I completely ignored when she walked in "So I don't get a hi or a hug" she scoffs "you know what never mind your not good enough to hug me" she has the audacity to say that to my face I just roll my eyes because miles told me to stay calm "yeah keep rolling those eyes you bitch" she laughs and I lose my calm "You know what Victoria the only bitch in this room is you" I snap but luckily the door was closed so my mom couldn't hear "at least I'm pretty and I can pull any guy I want" she was mad "I got a boyfriend before you and I bet you're still single seriously who's gonna want your ugly ass"she points at me face "and who was that cute guy miles I'll prove that I can get any guy seriously I'll have him fall for me he's hot" she smirks that's when I raise my voice "first of all get your ugly ass deformed finger out of my face second of all that hot guy Miles happens to be my boyfriend look he got me this huge teddy bear yesterday on our date and he got me this stuffed cat when we met and he made these bracelets for me" I was mad and Victoria had a stupid look on her face like she was in shock "oh one more thing he doesn't date girls like you I showed him a picture of you yesterday he says that your not that pretty that you pile makeup on your face" I laugh "there's no way that is your boyfriend" she says "yeah I'll prove it I'll call him to come over right now anyways he's my neighbor and his window is across from mine" I look out my window and point Miles was feeding his spider than he started banging on the drums then I got worried I knew he did that when something was wrong "you know what ima go over real quick you stay here keep your big mouth shut"I point and climb into Miles's bedroom and he hugs me and starts to cry and I kiss him I know Victoria was watching but I also wanted miles to feel better I pull away but miles pulls me back we have a little conversation and I kiss his cheek and leave "He is your boyfriend you weren't lying..." Victoria puts her head down "yeah he's mine and if your gonna be staying in my house you better back off from him because I know you your gonna go behind my back and try to get with him"I say sitting on my bed "oh don't worry y/n I found a cute guy when I was in the airport he gave me his number and I saw miles banging his drums and feeding his spider he's really weird and I don't like weird guys like him"she says and I get more mad
"You better watch your mouth Victoria he's not weird and so what if he is" I say and she rolls her eyes "well you can go over if you want I'll tell your mom your asleep" she puts her head down and I feel bad "you know what I'm sorry but you better watch your mouth I'll stay here with you"I say "alright I'm sorry too I'll try to be nice" she laughs and I laugh too "what do you say let's stop being mean to each other and let's try to get along for now on" I say "yeah sure" she hugs me and I pull away "sorry I'm not the one for hugs"I  felt bad "its okay you hug miles" she says and I chuckle and the rest of the night we got along

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now