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Y/n pov
Time skip 1 month
It's been a month since me and miles met each other. I adore him and his little sister his sister is so cute. Mrs.Grose doesn't care that Miles comes to my house a lot and she doesn't care when I go over. I like Mrs. Grose and she likes me she's just glad that miles finally has someone to talk to. My mom doesn't mind Miles either. My mom and Mrs. Grose are friends when my mom has her days off her and Mrs.Grose talk A LOT. But I don't mind them cuz I'm in my room. I leave my window open because Miles climbs through there sometimes. Me and miles have gotten closer he's opened up to me about many things and I had the courage to open up to him about what I'm going through. He helps me eat and helps me overcome things.
It's night now my mom called me from work she's gonna be gone AGAIN but I'm already used to her being gone she told me that she's gonna work and then her and Mrs.Grose wanna go on a trip. They offered me to go but I said no so they're taking flora. Miles is also staying so we can hang out. I saw flora and Mrs.Grose out the window they had their bags packed for the trip "Night sweetie we'll be gone for about a week but you can take care of yourself right?" My mom asked me "yes mom and Miles is next door to keep me company you know nothing will happen if miles is here" I look at her. My mom knows that nothing would happen to me if miles is here "alright then good night sweetie I love you" she says kissing "Night mom I love you too tell flora and Mrs. grose I said good night and be careful mom" I say I was kinda worried something was gonna happen "ok" was all she said before walking out the door. It was 9:30 pm. I wasn't tired just kinda bored. Mrs. Grose told me that miles and been asleep he slept early cuz he was just tired. I locked the front door and went up to my room. I cuddled the stuffed cat miles gave me when we had met I loved this little stuffy. I slowly closed my eyes when I heard my window and I saw miles standing there crying and shaking. I stood up and he hugged me and I hugged him back he was crying that my shirt was stained with his tears but I didn't care. He was all shaky "shhh calm down Miles I'm here what's wrong" I say softly as he looks up at me with tears in his eyes I wipe his tears I didn't like to see him cry but he's a human we all have emotions. "Y-y/n I-I-I h-had a b-bad dr-dream"he was stuttering he was scared poor miles "aww miles it's okay it might've seemed real but it wasn't do you wanna watch a movie to forget about it"I brush my hand through his hair "yeah I would like that but where's your mom and flora and Mrs.Grose I woke up and they were gone that made me cry even more that's why I came through your window I'm so happy your here" Miles says "oh it's okay miles they went on a trip they'll be gone for a week but you can stay here if you want"I say getting up to open the door "oh okay wanna watch a horror movie"miles says. He knows we both LOVE horror movies I know it seems weird to watch a scary movie after you had a nightmare but I know horror movies are mine and his comfort we're just weird like that I guess. "Yeah let's watch Halloween" it's our favorite movie "yeah sure" he says walking out my room with me. "Hey miles" I say softly "yeah y/n" he answers looking back at me "what was your dream about if you don't wanna talk about it it's fine but what was it that made you so scared and cry" I look at him concerned as he lets out a sigh "It was about my parents I dreamed that they were alive but when I was running to them they- they died all over again" he looks down "oh are you sure you wanna watch a scary movie especially Michael Myers we can watch something else to get your mind off of you know death" I tried to not make him feel bad "thanks y/n your the best what do you have in mind that we can watch"miles says hugging me "hm why don't we watch a few episodes of heart stopper then we can do something else" I say. Heart stopper is a good show I've watched the whole season about 3 times "sure" he says as we sit on the couch filled with blankets. I cover myself and put on the show as I pat the spot next to me for him to sit down. We watched three episodes and we get up to do something else. I have to say that like I kinda like miles but I don't think he likes me so I try to ignore it. We go to my room. "So what do you wanna do" I say "I don't know" he responds "hey miles why don't I paint your nails I got black"I say waving the black nail polish infront of him

Miles pov
I had to say yes. How can I say no to her she's too cute. "Fine" I sigh "Really yay" she says clapping her hands. She's so contracted on my hand and she's holding it gently "hey y/n do you mind if I sleepover I don't wanna sleep alone in my house what if I have another nightmare"I say as she slowly looks up at me with awe in her eyes "Of course you can sleepover here I don't want you to get another nightmare"She says as I get butterflies in my stomach from her touching my hand gently. Ever since I met her I knew that she is special and I wanna tell her so bad. She tells me everything and I tell her everything as well except the fact that I have a crush on her. Now that I haven't told her that little detail. Well I guess you can say I'm crazy about her in a good way though. I mean it in a good way. "Okay I'm finished" she says screwing the cap back on "they look great thanks y/n" I say as I kiss her hand "they need to dry though"she says getting up to put the nail polish back then she sits back down on the bed.
About 20 minutes pass me and y/n passed the time by talking and I couldn't help but stare "Miles"she says "mhm"I say not even paying attention to her words I was just staring  and admiring her features "miles your staring" she says laughing softly snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh uh sorry"I say shaking my head gosh I'm so stupid "your just really pretty I can't help but admire you"I had the confidence to say that and I really mean it. "I think your nails are dry"she say grabbing my hand and placing on her thigh so she can make sure that they are dry. I literally had nots in my stomach I can feel my face burn up. So I lean and finally kiss her and surprisingly she kisses back I can feel her smile
As we both pull away "well I'm not bored anymore"she says laughing we both laugh "y/n I really like you a lot" I say blushing waiting for an answer but instead of a word answer she leans back in and kisses me again "I like you to Miles" she whispers in my ear.
I can feel my heart melt damn she was hot. "Y/n I don't know if this is the right time but I think I'm okay to watch a scary movie with you I know their your favorite" I say as a smile spreads in her face "REALLY thanks miles let's go watch one" she says grabbing my hand leading me downstairs to the couch in the living room. We sit back down on the couch as we're watching Halloween. But there was this one part that triggered me so I grabbed y/n's hand when I flinched a little she smiled and intertwined our fingers together. She kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear "it's okay I'm here" she whispers and I feel her lean onto my chest I felt like I was on top of the world as I see her close her eyes.
I turn off the Tv and put the blanket on her and kiss her head as I drift off to sleep. I knew that I was lucky to have her

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now