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Miles pov
I was eager to see y/n today. To see her beautiful face again. She was absolutely gorgeous but I could tell she doesn't believe that she is. But I want to make her feel good about herself. I know we just properly met yesterday but still. I could feel that she is special. I only have a soft spot for my little sister flora could I possibly have one for y/n cuz if it were another girl I would just let her cry if I'm being honest. Y/n seemed like she needed that hug. Not trying to be mean but I don't think she has a boyfriend like I don't understand how she doesn't have one because she's SO HOT but I'm still gonna ask her. "I'm going to Y/n's house I'll be back later" I shout so Mrs.Grose could know where I will be most of the day but like she would care "ok" was all I heard she didn't care oh well I'm leaving before I left I told flora where I was going so she doesn't get worried flora was the only one who seemed to care. I walked to a nearby market to purchase some flowers for y/n I picked red roses obviously they never fail it's classy I also bought her a little stuffed animal it was a cat with a little bow perfect for her but I had to buy one for flora obviously once I was done I went back home to get everything ready. I gave one of the stuffed animals to flora she hugged me "thanks miles it's so cute ima add it to my collection" flora squealed Hugging me running to her room I ran to my room too I didn't want to keep y/n waiting I went to my desk and wrote a little note you are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen you are so special to me never forget that you are ok princess btw your so hot sorry I'm not good with words but hope you like the flowers and stuffy love miles. Finally I can go see y/n now it was 11:00 damn I'm late. Well there was no time she said to be there but I still wanna surprise her. I decided to knock at the door this time instead of the window because I couldn't climb the window with all this stuff in my hands. I rang the doorbell and she answered "hey y/n I got you something" I smile at her and give her the flowers and stuffed cat "awww miles this is so cute your so cute thank you and hi by the way" she blushes and laughs a little we both hug as we walk up to her room. She places the stuffed cat on her bed and she puts the roses on her desk/vanity "here you go I uh wrote this for you" I hand her the note blushing and scratching my neck awkwardly "for me thanks miles" she smiles softly and opens the note and reads it I can see her smiling to herself she looked so cute and then she hugs me "awww thanks miles you are literally the sweetest person ever no one has ever done this for me" she felt so comfortable I was comfortable with her "yknow in your arms I feel safe" she whispers into my ear we pulled away "I haven't felt like this in a while" I say "what do you mean" she tilts her head confused "I mean I actually feel something with you a feeling I haven't felt in a long time" I pause for a moment " you see ever since my mom and dad died infront of me and my sister well my sister saw everything but ever since they died I've felt so numb and everyone would blame there death on me and treat me like I'm not even a person people think I killed them but I loved them so much" I start to cry into her arms again and she holds me "Aww miles I can't tell you it's okay cuz it's fucked up what you have to go through and I don't know if it'll be okay but lemme tell you this as long as your with me you are safe okay my dad died too when I was young they killed him in front of me and people think I'm weird or they get scared" y/n said her voice shaky like she was going to cry she rested her head on my shoulder but then she gets up you put the not I wrote for her infront of her vanity mirror "do you wanna lay down and listen to some music" she says softly wiping her tears then she wipes my tears with her thumb "yeah sure"I say as she covers herself with blankets and I lay down next to her the song "Apocalypse" by cigarettes after sex starts playing. I wanted to hug her. She looks so comfortable. I wrap my arms around her waist and I rest my chin on her head as she places her hands on top of mine. We fell asleep like that.

It was morning and y/n got more confident around me she didn't care what she looked like and I'm happy. Her mom was coming back from her trip today. So I kiss her cheek and leave through her window

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now