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No one's pov
It was the day of the fair and the two teens were excited to go to the fair. Although y/n just wanted to focus on miles and she was hoping that no one would ruin there day. She kept remembering when her and miles went on a walk in the rain and how a jerk ruined there walk and made miles cry. Miles rarely cries but when it comes to his parents or sister he cries.Besides that no one else or nothing else really makes him cry. Miles Fairchild is one weird kid as they say. Y/n was also weird as they say.
Y/n doesn't really open up to anyone her mom wanted to get y/n a therapist but y/n begged her mom not to get one after a month of begging her mom just went with it. Y/n's mom thought about the whole therapist thing and she is glad that she didn't go with it cuz y/n has miles now and y/n's mom enjoys his company although he does creep her out sometimes she still doesn't mind him at her house.
"Good morning love how'd you sleep" the curly haired boy looks at his girlfriend admiring every single detail about her "I slept well what about you" y/n asked "good" he responds "y/n yknow I feel like I can tell you anything now" Miles says playing with his fingers "well of course you can tell me anything I'm comfortable with you to but is there something you wanna tell me?" She questions looking slightly confused "actually yeah... there is"he says "do you remember when we first met,I told you I lived in a mansion and I said Mrs.Grose was my grandma" Miles looks up at the girl "yeah I remember and you told me you were glad you moved but you didn't tell me why"
"I didn't tell you why because I thought if I told you why you were gonna think I was weird and you were not gonna wanna see me again but I think I'm ready to tell you why know"Miles says with a softened voice "Miles look I know people might tell you your weird or creepy and you may think you are and at first I thought that but you know why I still talked to you because when we started talking more I decided that you may be weird but I am too that's why I stayed because your an amazing person and I'm glad your deciding to tell me as long as your ready" Y/n lifted his chin and moved some hair out of his face "thanks y/n" miles begins to talk "so basically my parents come from a wealthy family so that makes me wealthy I don't really like to use the word rich because I feel like a brat but anyways we moved in the mansion and Mrs.Grose was the housekeeper the whole grandma thing it's a cover up she used to take care of my dad when he was younger and she took care of us and we used to have a nanny named Kate but she was annoying so I'm glad we got rid of her and our house I believe it was haunted I had a friend that died and I heard his voice and Kate said that he bothered her so we moved that's the true story"Miles felt bad that he had been hiding the truth from y/n "oh thanks for telling me miles wow that's a lot to take in but don't worry I won't tell Mrs.Grose or anyone that you told me and anyways I don't talk to anyone else but you and flora but mostly you"She gives a slight smile
Miles felt something with y/n something he's never felt before sure girls were all over him but only cuz of his looks they wouldn't even get to know him but y/n was different she wasn't all over him she got to know him and she accepted his weirdness
Y/n felt the same thing with miles the same feeling she hasn't felt guys like Miles didn't really pay attention to her they always payed attention to her cousin her cousin was always known as the perfect one y/n had told miles only a little bit about her cousin but not a lot Y/n never really had crushes on people some guys would tell her she's pretty but they would look at her in disgust when she talks about her life and when they see her cousin they drool all over her cousin and that always happened so after a while y/n got used to it and didn't care that no one was paying attention to her
Y/n's phone rang and once she answered it was her mom "hi sweetheart good morning" her mom says I'm a loving tone "good morning mom" she responds "ok honey your cousin Victoria is visiting us she came to spend time with us since she moved to Florida she misses you very much I know you two were close"her mom says "wait what please tell me she's getting a separate hotel to stay at and for how long" Y/n was annoyed "No silly she's staying in the guest room I know you don't like people in your room but luckily we have a guest room and she's staying for about a month I believe"her mom was excited she believed y/n and Victoria were close but all Victoria did was make y/n's life miserable and worse y/n was overthinking that Victoria would steal miles from her she thought that miles would take one look at Victoria and leave y/n so y/n had no other choice but to talk to miles "okay mom bye love you" y/n groaned she was angry "bye sweetie love you" the phone call had ended y/n sighed and sat next to miles "what's wrong love"miles sits up looking concerned "yeah Miles everything fine"she fake smiles "no your lying please don't lie love what's going on what happened with your mom"Miles was really concerned y/n took a deep breath and decided to tell miles
What was bothering her after all miles was telling her the truth on why he moved and everything "fine my mom called and told me my cousin Victoria is visiting from Florida and she's going to be living with us for about a month" Y/n Sighs again "oh and what's the problem you don't like her or something"Miles was confused "yeah miles I don't like her she's perfect everyone pays attention to her not me and if someone notices me they take one look at Victoria and all eyes go on her she makes me miserable and when my dad was alive she always would steal him from me when I would spend time with him she would make everyone pay attention to her she steals the spotlight I'm always in her shadow but I can't blame her she's perfect" tears began to fill Y/n's eyes with all the bad memories "and this is probably a stupid thing for me to say but I'm overthinking everything that you might take one look at her and leave me for her like every one does" Y/n was crying "hey hey don't cry that cousin of yours sounds like a bitch don't worry love I won't leave you for some bitch especially a cousin of yours that's a bitch your mine and only mine and I'm yours and only yours okay" Miles holds y/n's face and makes eye contact "are you sure" y/n was not sure "of course I'm sure and I bet that Victoria bitch is one of those girls who piles makeup on there face" miles smiles "miles she's perfect" Once y/n said that miles smile faded away "oh don't say that, no one's perfect a pretty face doesn't always mean a pretty heart and she's probably not even pretty"Miles didn't like hearing those words coming from y/n "here miles you wanna see a picture" Y/n pulls out a photo of Victoria
Victoria had brown hair that was up to her shoulders and Victoria wore a lot of makeup it piled on her face y/n thought she was perfect and pretty but it was clear miles had no interest at all
"See I was right she's not perfect and she wears tons of makeup I like natural beauty like the natural beauty you have"Miles pushed the phone away "now let's get your mind off this Victoria girl and let's go to the fair" Miles stood up with his hand out waiting for y/n to grab it and she did
They both put their shoes on since their outfits weren't bad and they left walking hand in hand y/n got a message from her mom it was a picture of flora eating ice cream she chuckled at the photo and showed miles they both laughed a little
Once they arrived to the fair the whole thing was filled with people and Y/n's social anxiety started to act up and she started hyperventilating. Miles noticed this and he lightly squeezed y/n's hand and whispered in her ear "don't worry love calm down you will be fine" he whispered and calmed y/n down she took a deep breath as they continued walking the two teens hand in hand
Miles admired his girlfriend he couldn't believe that Y/n was his girlfriend and that he is hers and she is his
They were both walking when Y/n saw a Huge teddy bear that she admired "Miles look this bear is so cute" Miles couldn't help but smile at the girl "I'll win it for you" Miles gave a wink and approached the game to win and he did he came back with the huge teddy bear just for Y/n and   y/n only y/n looked and the bear and hugged it "THANKS MILES" he just smiled
The rest of the day they enjoyed and then it was night so they started to walk home. As soon as they got to y/n's house they took off there shoes and flipped on the couch "y/n ima go take a shower at my house real quick I'll be back" he kissed y/n's cheek and went home
Y/n took a shower and put pajamas on but she started to feel insecure again because of her stupid cousin
A couple minutes pass and miles climbs through the window "hey y/n I'm ba- are you okay" Miles looked at y/n she had tears in her eyes looking at the mirror miles knew what was going on so he quickly hugged her from behind and whispered in her ear "don't cry my love your perfect just the way you are your gorgeous" He said softly he knew that cheered her up "come on let's go listen to music or watch YouTube or something" he said as he grabbed y/n's hand

They fell asleep

IM BACK SWEETHEARTS💗 sorry I took a break and I took forever to write this chapter and it still sucks ass😭 but no offense to the girls named Victoria I didn't mean to offend no body just remember don't be a bitch anyways bye 😘

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now