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⚠️Trigger warning ED⚠️
Y/N pov
I got absolutely no sleep. I feel so tired that I can't feel anything I've been feeling like that recently. I sighed and got up from my bed I didn't care how I looked I just got up from my pajamas I had a black hoodie it was kinda big and some black and red checkered pants pretty basic I know but I couldn't care less to get ready I just rolled out of bed with my hair In a messy bun I thought if I change I would look absolutely disgusting my self esteem is very low I'm not confident in my body face or anything for that matter I looked at the time and it's was 10:30 in the morning so I walk downstairs I knew my mom was gonna be downstairs since she doesn't work today and honestly I was kinda happy that she got to be home today my mom is the greatest she's like the only good thing in my life without her I don't know where I will be in my life right now "Hey mom" I walk up to my mom she's making eggs and bacon I kiss her cheek before sitting on my chair "Good morning sweety I'm making breakfast now before you say anything I know you don't eat that much yes I've noticed and I went to the doctor yesterday and told him about your habits and he said you might have an eating disorder and I want to help you recover" my mom said looking at me with awe in her eyes I knew she felt bad I could see in in her eyes I'm surprised she noticed my eating habits and she's trying to help me this is why I appreciate my mom so much I love her with all my heart she is the only thing that's keeping me going "th-thanks m-mom I-I'm surprised you n-noticed" I kept stuttering "Honey I want to help you of course I noticed it hurts my heart that your going through this" tears were filling her eyes and we hugged I didn't want to eat but I knew I had to do it for my mom I ate a half a piece of bacon I struggled to do so but my mom encouraged me she was proud
Time skip 2 hours later
"Y/n" my mom called from downstairs "yeah mom" I ask running down the stairs " y/n meet the Fairchilds they're our new neighbors" my mom said introducing me to them I saw a little girl that looked around 7 or 9 years old and next to her I saw an older woman she shook my hand "lovely to meet you y/n I'm Mrs.grose and this is flora" she said softly smiling I tried to be as nice as I could but this was too awkward my mom knows that I don't like people or introducing myself to randoms but since they were our neighbors I had to be nice since I saw my mom and mrs.grose getting along well I knew that we will be seeing them often I shook her hand awkwardly but sweetly because my mom also gave me that "you better be nice" look the little girl flora seemed sweet I shook her hand as well "would you to care to join us for lunch" my mom said smiling but I was kind of shocked but also annoyed when my mom said that honestly I don't know how I was feeling I was berley recovering from my Ed my mom knew that. I also don't wanna eat in-front of people "that would be lovely yes we would love to join you and your daughter" Mrs.grose said sweetly smiling as her and flora sat at the table my mom pulled me aside "y/n please be nice I know you don't like people but please just be nice to them you don't have to eat a lot I tell you what I will just give you a few pieces of fruit how does that sound just eat something please" my mom said almost whispering "mom but I'm scared to eat in front of people I just don't like it but I guess I can make an Exception whatever you say mom" I sighed
We were all eating well they were I was hardly eating I was having trouble then mrs.grose broke the silence"is there something wrong y/n" she looked up at me "oh uh" I didn't know what to say until my mom pulled mrs.Grose to the side explaining to her what's wrong with me basically.
Wow mom nice move explaining my eating problem to someone you just met but surprisingly Mrs.Grose didn't make me feel uncomfortable or weird she simply just said "sorry for making you uncomfortable with that question I didn't know but I won't do it again" she continued eating mrs.grose seemed alright I liked that she didn't smother me with words like "oh I'm so sorry you can't eat" or smother me with hugs I liked that she didn't i didn't like the attention but she didn't do that to me and I appreciated that about her "It's okay Mrs.Grose" my mom and Mrs grose kept chatting about work and other random things "y/n how old are you" Mrs.grose asked "oh I'm sixteen" I said quietly but she heard me "oh is that so, well then you might get along with my grandson Miles he's at home unpacking for his room I will be glad to introduce you two" Mrs grose said wiping her mouth I just nodded not saying a word both flora and Mrs grose walked out "they were nice weren't they" my mom says washing the dishes "mhm" I say walking up to my room before I went in my room my mom told me to at least pick up I told her ok I didn't want to but I guess I probably should I fixed my bed and picked up all the dirty clothes on the floor it was night I just sat on the window sill looking up at the stars (Btw if you don't know what I mean by sitting on window sill search up sitting on window sill it's like a little edge) the sky looked so pretty but like always I didn't feel anything just felt numb thinking then I saw a curly haired boy playing guitar I could see through his window then I saw Mrs grose walk in telling him something was this the miles kid she was telling me about I just stared didn't know what to think he then looked up at me smiled and waved I smiled back our windows were pretty close I went back to my bed and put Lana Del Rey sped up playlist on YouTube on my TV I just got lost in my thoughts and cried myself to sleep I was used to doing that

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now