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Third person pov
It was the next day. Y/n and Miles got ready for school. Y/n waited on her doorstep for Miles. Then she saw him. Wearing a sweater like always and jeans and some converse of course. Not necessarily basic but comfortable. All she was wearing was a grey hoodie and black cargo pants good enough outfit for school. "Hey y/n" he let out a breath as he walked up to her and waved y/n chuckled a bit as she noticed his voiced cracked which led him to get embarrassed and slightly blush

"Hey Miles" she stopped laughing and smiled as he held his hand out "shall we M'lady" he lightly smiled "calling me m'lady now huh your smooth where'd you learn it from" she chuckled lightly which caused him to roll his eyes playfully "my dad used to call my mom that and I've heard it in those old romance movies thought it would be perfect for you" he winked "so are we gonna walk or what shall we" she took his hand in return "we shall" They both made eye contact and walked to school

Time skip after school

Miles pov
Y/n and I walk back home from school. "Well we're here" I say as she walks up to her doorstep "wait Miles do you wanna um come over for a bit" she asked nervously "yeah sure" I say before walking in her house with her. We go to her room like always.

An hour passed and we just passed the time by talking and laughing and listening to music like old times gosh I've missed this "what do you wanna do now cuz I'm kinda bored" I looked  at her "hm wait I got an idea" she says before grabbing something from her desk "what's that" I raise an eyebrow as she sits criss cross on her bed and faces me. She spreads out some of her makeup on her bed "oh no y/n please don't tell me what I think your gonna tell me" I whine as I knew what she wanted to do. "Pleaseee Miles" She whines "ugh fine" I sigh as she squeals with excitement

"Just don't make it to girly like no pink and no lipstick and all that stuff" I looked y/n "ugh fine" She rolled her eyes
She put eyeliner a little blush and a little bit of lip gloss "OH MY GOSH MILES LOOK IN THE MIRROR QUICK" She gasps
I look I'm the mirror and smile to myself "I look okay" I mumble and she goes in complete shock "OKAY, THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY, MILES YOU LOOK HOT LIKE REALLY PRETTY" she blurts out and she gets embarrassed "I mean even without the makeup you literally pretty like your eyelashes your eyes your lips like I'm jealous" She laughs a bit "are you serious why are you jealous your literally so beautiful words can't explain" I say as I put a strand of hair behind her ear and hold the side of her face

"You are truly amazing" I smile
She leads me to her bathroom so we can take the makeup off my face. She starts cleaning my face and I can't help but stare. She's so concentrated. Without thinking I press my lips against hers


Oop cliffhanger

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now