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Y/n pov
I woke up to rain against the window. I felt a cold breeze and I notice Miles was crying he was sitting up looking down at the floor. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He is a silent crier and he just lets the tears flow without any emotion at all. Yet I can still hear him sniffling

"Miles?" I spoke softly in a morning voice as he looks up "oh good morning my love I didn't notice you were awake how'd you sleep" He spoke as he quickly wiped away his tears when he saw me

I felt like I was about to cry too. Just the sound of to him saying "my love" once again brought me to tears. He always called me that and it always sounded so soothing to hear and so comforting and I know it was only a month with out him but if I have to admit I got attached to him yes I know it's not good to get attached to someone but he's really special to me

"My love?" I questioned as I was still in shock by him saying that again "oh I'm sorry I should've asked first"He was apologizing?
I took his hand and placed it on the side of my face "it's okay I just was in shocked that you called me that again but I love it" I smile and his warm smile gives me butterflies to my stomach
"But why were you crying"I was confused, concerned,

"Oh y/n don't worry bout me love" He rubs my face with his thumb "but since your here now I have to worry about you" I take his hand off and he just looks down and mumbles "nothing"
"Something is wrong Tell me I can't help if I don't know what's wrong what's up" I just wanted to know cuz I felt like I can help him or something

"NOTHINGS- wrong" his voice softened I knew he was about to lash out and I thought that I might've been annoying "Look I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have to force you whenever your ready just tell me okay I just don't want you to be sad forever"I kissed him on the cheek and wiped his tears away once more and just gave him a small smile

"So do you wanna go out on a walk or something I kind of miss those only if you want to though I just have a lot of shit on my mind right now" He asked "sure let's go" I grabbed his hand and brought him downstairs with me and we both put our shoes and walk outside hand in hand in comfortable silence surprisingly "Hey y/n there's a nearby park by here we'll it's only swings but do you wanna go" He said breaking the silence as the wind blew through his hair revealing his face

"Yeah let's go" the park wasn't that far well it was only swings but that's okay
Me and miles spent the rest of the day pushing each other on the swings and talking about everything I that's how'll I'll explain it, it was a good day
Soon enough Miles walked me home and we reached my doorstep "so I guess I'll see you tomorrow right at school" he looked at me in my eyes

"Yeah see you tomorrow" I gave him a warm smile as he started to walk off but before he walked off "Hey Miles" I kind of shouted so he can hear me all I got was a "mhm" in return "I had fun today you know with you"I blushed " yeah I had fun with you too thanks for today by the way"He said "your welcome" I turned around and opened the door but I took one last look at miles and waved then closed the door

"Hey sweetie had a good day today"my mom was in the living room and she questioned cuz she saw me smiling which I never really smile in front of her "yeah today was...good it was good"I took off my shoes and jacket "well at least you got out of the house so that's great" My mom said taking her focus off the Tv "goodnight y/n I love you" She gave me a smile and I gave her one back "night mom love you too" I walked upstairs and just smiled to myself and sighed

I pulled out my phone and I wanted to text miles but I felt like if I did I was being annoying I began to over think then my phone buzzed and I got a message from miles good timing


Hey y/n


So um I was wondering wanna walk to school together tomorrow?

Sure why not

Sounds great well Ill see you tomorrow night best friend 🤓

Night best friend 😹

Miles pov
I put my phone down and let out a sigh and smiled to myself but then I started cringing at the fact that I said night best friend ew
But she found it funny I guess
I also began to feel sad
Sad at the thought that she only thinks of me as a friend now
As much as I wanna get back together I have to learn to take it slow and be patient I can do that... I think

Heyyyyy I'm back sorry for taking forever to update 😫 and sorry that this chapter is short but hope you like it

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now