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Third person pov

This chapter will contain topics such as SA, and there will be k1lling involved so if any of this bothers you I suggest to skip this one but if it doesn't go ahead and read

Y/n awoke with miles clinging on to her. He looked like a young child hugging a stuffed bear. He was sound asleep. She had noticed it was morning and they were late for school. "Miles" the girl whispered and he responded das with a hum "Miles wake up were late" she shook him softly to wake up and he rubbed his eyes "shit" he said under his breath

"Can we just stay today" The boy said as he laid back down "Miles normally I would say yeah let's ask my mom but what about your file?" Y/n asked concerned "im already going to boarding school" he yawned
"Miles it's... oh shit it's Friday already let's just go to school come on"  she took a moment to pause between her sentence to check her phone

Then she changed quickly and gave miles another sweater that he left here a while ago. They walked to school and when they were asked why they were late they made up some random excuse

It was time to go. Miles grabbed his girlfriends hand and sprinted out the door. Y/n just laughed at his action's. They went to Miles's house

"So miles there's a party this Saturday" y/n sat on the bed next to miles "and?"

"And do you wanna go with me"

"Since when do you go to parties my dear"

"Surprisingly I got invited by this girl who sits behind me in history, she said that anyone could come so she asked if I would go and I said maybe"

"Are you sure you want to go"

"Yes miles this is our first time we get to live life actually and go to a high school party we're not gonna have more opportunities like this"

"Okay if that's what you want I'll go with you but just promise me you won't get messed up"

"I promise"

"Okay now I wanna go to sleep so" miles always wanted to sleep "okay just give me a second" y/n said before kissing his cheek and running to his closet
"Way better okay now we can sleep"
Miles smiled at the girl and then hugged her

He put his head on her chest and hugged her tightly. He admired her gorgeous figure.
They fell asleep and woke up the next day

They spent the day playing with flora. When it was about almost 8:30 they decided to go to that party not knowing what horrors awaited them.

They walked in together holding hands as Miles insisted they do. He wanted people at the party to know that she's his girlfriend
"Hey y/n" some girl said "oh hey Kassandra" y/n replied. Kassandra was the girl who invited y/n to the party

"Who's this" Kassandra asked referring to miles. "Oh this is miles he's my boyfriend" y/n told the girl and she beamed with a smile "REALLY THATS SO CUTE" she squealed "well I hope you guys enjoy the party" and with that Kassandra left

"Do you want something to drink" Miles asked his girlfriend trying to be polite since he doesn't like parties or anything "sure I'll go with you" they both got up and noticed there was only alcohol "jeez" miles sighed

"One drink won't hurt" y/n told miles and he had a worried look on his face "fine but only for you and just this one" he said and they both drank and sat back on the couch

It was about almost an hour later and they were having a pretty good time. Kassandra would often go with them and check on the two and asked if they needed anything or would go talk to y/n. Kassandra didn't talk to Miles however. He gave her the creeps and Kassandra already has a boyfriend.

"I'm going to the restroom I'll be back" y/n said and kissed miles on his cheek before walking off

He was sitting on the couch waiting for his girlfriend

Meanwhile y/n was heading to the bathroom she saw a face she didn't want to see...Jake.

They made eye contact and y/n tried to walk the other way but sadly she couldn't. Jake ran to her and grabbed her. Y/n tried to kick him and she yelled at him but he didn't listen. Jake took her to some random room and closed the door but he forgot to lock it.

He touched the girl and I can't go into detail but he was on top of her and tried to do horrible things with that poor girl. He touched her and kissed her repeatedly.

Meanwhile with miles. He needed to go to the bathroom as well and his girlfriend was taking awhile and wanted to make sure she's okay. He thought her stomach hurt or something. He didn't ask Kassandra where the bathroom was he just went upstairs.

He opened the doors to a few rooms. Until he reached one room specifically. He walked in and saw Jake with...y/n?
He saw his girlfriends face in complete terror and fright. She was scared. "Help!" She shouted as soon as she heard the door open.

Miles didn't think twice. He pushed Jake off of her and banged his head into the wall and kicked him out the window where he fell. "Miles" y/n said relieved and she cried hugging him. "Are you okay my love what was happening" the boy asked concerned "Miles I promise I didn't agree to any of that I swear" she reassured her boyfriend

"I know, I saw your face and I knew something was wrong" He said lowly "what happened" he asked and y/n hugged him tighter then pulled away "he grabbed me and he... brought me here and started" she broke down in tears

Feeling the sheer terror of Jake on top of her. "Shh shh calm down my love it's okay, I'm here now" The boy calmed the girl down and he ran his hand through the girls hair. "We can talk about it whenever your ready okay" He pulled away to look at the girls face and she nodded and kissed him

Then y/n went over to the window where the glass was shattered and a few drops of blood and the window glass was stained a bit. "Do you think he's...dead" y/n said lowly swallowing the lump in her throat "most likely but if he is it won't matter he deserves it and I know it's a bad thing to say but look what he did to you and what if it happens to other girls in the future" miles said and looked at the girl as they made eye contact with her

"Thank you miles"

"Of course lovely, I'll always kill for you" they both smiled sweetly at each other

"Okay I think we should get out of here huh" Miles told the girl and she agreed and they walked out the party hand in hand. "Shit it's cold" y/n cursed for not bringing a sweater.

Miles quickly took his sweater off and gave it to y/n. She kissed his cheek and they walked home and took a shower.

Miles was trying to be careful and gentle with the girl since he saw what happened at the party. They both laid together "miles I'm sorry, we should've never went to that party it was a stupid idea" the tears fall from y/n's eyes

"Shh it's not your fault my love, let's go to sleep" miles softly said and the girl hugged the boy next to her only feeling safe with him. Miles watched where he put his hands and was being careful not to make her uncomfortable.

Miles was in deep thought

I think I love you y/n

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now