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Love. Such a powerful thing but easily misunderstood.

Miles woke up with y/n playing with his curls. She smiled once she saw him open his eyes. He placed a sweet and short kiss on her lips.

"Morning" she beamed with a smile "Morning love" Miles said with his morning voice

His eyes began to get heavy again so he buried his face into y/n's neck and kissed it gently. She smiled slightly to herself and pulled out her phone. She took a photo for memories. This photo was Miles hands wrapped gently around y/n's waist with his face in her neck

She didn't want to think about the fact that he will be going to boarding school soon and soon these warm and loving mornings waking up beside him will be cold unbearable mornings not wanting to get out of bed

She then felt something touch her cheek. She looked next to her and miles was there smiling and then kissed her again before going back to hugging her.

Y/n has been feeling this thing towards miles. A feeling she's not used to

Is it


Possibly right?

But what if Miles doesn't love her yet
What if she isn't ready to love
Does she even know what love is

The thoughts race through her mind

I think I love miles

"What are you thinking about darling?" Miles whispered "nothing" she muttered

"You know you can talk to me about anything right" he said playing with her fingers "yeah i know"

"So what's going through your head dear" he asked once again

"What's gonna happen to us when you go to boarding school" she questioned

"I don't know love but I don't wanna break up" he exhaled

"Wait mrs Grose said they allowed visitors. You can visit on visiting days" he smiled and she nodded

"It's only for a year okay?" He reassured and she kissed him

"I'm leaving in a week"

"That's not good"

"I know it's not. Can we forget about it for a sec?"


Time skip two hours

"Y/n come on get ready darling"

"What do you mean"

"I'm taking you on a date lovely, come on get ready so we can go"

She walked to her closet and pulled out an outfit

She went to her restroom and changed then fixed her hair and put shoes and then she was ready

"Ready" she grabbed the boys hand and they walked out the door

He took her to a nearby field where he had set up a picnic

He walked her to the blanket and they sat

"This is lovely miles"

"I'd hope you'd like it"

"I love it" she whispered

He kissed her as she sat on his lap. He held her waist and her hands draped around his neck

They kissed for a while until they pulled away

He rested his forehead on hers admiring her ravishing and elegant eyes

She's so exquisite he thought

They watched the sky for about an hour and ranted about random things

Do they love each other?

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now