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Y/N Pov

Miles kissed me for the first time in a while. I was in shock and he pulled away "oh uh sorry I-I didn't mean too it was just heat of the mome-" I cut him off my kissing him again and he kissed back

"Do you uh wanna be my girlfriend again" he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly
while I tried to hide my smile and tried to cover my face so he wouldn't see my blush

"Yeah I'd love to be your girlfriend again" I say before kissing him once again and I could feel his smile
We pull away and his face is as red as a tomato and I can't help but laugh at how cute he looks with a weird smile plastered across his face as if he's been lovestrucked or something


Miles pov

Me and y/n arrive to school "what class do you have first my love" I ask "I have bio first" y/n rolls her eyes she doesn't really like bio "that's great I have bio first too" I grabbed her hand as we started walking to our biology class together


I was tapping my foot anxiously and tapping my pencil against my desk impatiently yet anxiously as well
"CAN YOU STOP THAT" this random ass bitch shouts behind me she has the audacity to yell at me which causes me to tap even louder "HEY ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING I TOLD YOU TO STOP" She yells so I turn around and give her a death stare "oh I should've known your the freak who killed his parents huh"

What did my parents death have anything to do with me tapping my pencil "YOU LISTEN HERE YOU BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I SLICE YOUR FUCKIN THROAT" I lash out quite often at stupid idiots like this bitch who's yelling at me "MILES FAIRCHILD THAT IS NO WAY TO SPEAK TO ONE OF YOUR FELLOW CLASSMATES PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!"

My own teacher was yelling at me now and I felt so much rage my face was practically red of anger until I felt someone grab my hand gently it was my y/n my lovely y/n "THATS BULLSHIT THIS BITCH WAS YELLING AT MILES IN THE FIRST PLACE HE WAS JUST DEFENDING HIMSELF AND YOUR SENDING HIM TO THE PRINCIPAL WHAT THE FUCK" y/n stood up and started yelling at the teacher

Y/n was defending me and she looks so hot doing it "ENOUGH PRINCIPALS OFFICE BOTH OF YOU" my teacher was practically a tomato "oh so not the other bitch" I roll my eyes and y/n does the same and we walk out together as I flip the bitch off

"Thanks for defending me there gorgeous" I smile moving hair behind her ear "your welcome love that bitch was annoying anyway she fucken kicked my chair and was laughing" y/n rolls her eyes "what the fuck okay that bitch is dead" I wink at y/n and we go the the principal

We both sit and our principal looks pissed "Mr Fairchild what exactly were you thinking threatening one jof your classmates like that" All I do is smirk "she deserved it" my smirk becomes a smile "And you Ms L/n (last name) what on earth gave you the idea to you inappropriate language towards a teacher young lady" this principal is annoying

"I am going to have to call your parents both of you" I laugh to myself cuz I don't give two shits "my moms at work" y/n mumbles "you can call my guardian y/n's mom is close friends with her she takes care of both of us sometimes" I say referring to Mrs. Grose "Well then ok matter of fact your mom y/n did leave the number of Miles's guardian just incase we can't reach her" I slouch back I'm my chair and wait for my "guardian" to arrive

A few minutes later Mrs. Grose walks in with Flora by her side "MILES! Y/N!" My dearest little sister runs up to me and y/n "Hi Flora" y/n picks her up in a hug as Flora laughs "You must be Miles's guardian and your here for y/n too right" our principal shakes mrs.grose's hand and I scoff and roll my eyes

"Yes tis I" Mrs. Grose smiles a fake smile "Well Mrs. Fairchild-"
"Mrs.Grose" she cuts off "Pardon"
"I'm Mrs. Grose not Fairchild" she clarifies "oh sorry" "Well Mrs. Grose I have to inform you that Miles and Y/n had an incident with a student and a teacher" My principal clears their throat "oh? What type of incident" I can tell she wasn't that concerned

"Miles threatened another student and y/n defended him and used inappropriate language towards a teacher" our principal had a smug look on her face she probably thought Ms. Grose was gonna yell at us or something "Well there must've been a good certain reason for miles to threaten that student and y/n must've had a good reason to defend miles as well" Ms. Grose showed no expression at all as the principal sat there in shock

"Yes indeed Ms. Grose me and y/n both had good reasons for our behavior" Y/n nods her head in agreement "Well if there is nothing more to discuss we shall be on our way, come along children" Ms. Grose sat up from her chair and dusted off her skirt and began to head out the door with flora following behind her "See ya tomorrow   Ms. Principal" y/n winks and waves as we both walk out the door not giving a single fuck about what the principal had to say

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now