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Miles pov

Another shitty day at school. I'm currently in the fucken principals office for getting into a fist fight. But I couldn't help it it's not my fault the guy was being a dick and he has such a punchable face.

-moments before-
"I'll see you at lunch my love" y/n asks holding her books "mhm" I kiss her cheek and we head to our different classes

I'm at the table waiting for y/n. I usually sit alone with y/n. There I saw. These group of boys were cat calling her. Y/n. MY Y/N. I could tell y/n didn't like it and she was ignoring them. She sat next to me "are they bothering you my dear" I say sternly more seriously "i-it's nothing miles I'm fine" I could tell she was uncomfortable

She doesn't like my temper but I can't help it. I slammed my hands in the table and get up "miles it's fine-" I cut her off "no y/n/n it's not fine they're making you uncomfortable and I'm not gonna let that happen just stay here I'll be back okay lovely" she sighs and nods and I walk over to the table

"Hey what the fuck do you think your doing" I was enraged "Hey do you know who your talking to you fucken creep" the main one slurs "No who am I talking to I thought I was talking to an asshole" I couldn't think "You listen here you fucken freak" he shouts "no you listen, if you cat call my girlfriend again or even look at her I'll cut you like a fish you understand" I got closer to him

Then he pushes me. That was what caused me to snap and swing at him. I hit him in the face again and again. Y/n tried to call out for me but I didn't listen until the principal walked over to us and he broke it up

"MILES FAIRCHILD YOU AGAIN MY OFFICE NOW!" The principal shouted "as for you jake get cleaned up and walk back to class you will receive detention after school" the principal walked away and y/n flipped her off before running to me.

"Come on miles let's go get you cleaned up" y/n took my hand and we went to the nurses office. I let y/n take care of me though cuz she's the only one I trust.

"I'm fine y/n really" I stated "Miles you are not fine you are bleeding for your nose and you have a busted lip" she shook her head
"At least I'm not as bad as Jake" I argue and she just shakes her head again

"Thanks for standing up for me miles but your hurt I'm sorry" she puts her head down and I lift her chin up "don't be sorry darling nothings your fault jakes just and asshole" I smile and kiss her

"Now I need to go see my best friend the principal in my favorite place her office!" I say sarcastically and y/n offers to come with me but I say no and walk alone to the office

"Miss me" I roll my eyes sarcastically
"Take a seat" the principal says
"Miles another fight this is going on your record and inappropriate for our school" the principal says as if she has some sort of concern for me

"But what about Jake"

"He has detention after school but his file isn't as bad as yours mr"

I scoff "I'm afraid to tell you this miles but we're going to have to send you to boarding school"

"What the hell! Why? That's so not fair"

"I'm afraid there's no choice and your guardian has agreed that it's for the best"

I storm out the door. The principal must've knew I ditched yesterday.

I rushed to y/n's house. Her mom was there and said that y/n wasn't home yet but I can wait I'm her room. I thanked her room and asked if she needed any help but once she said no I went to y/n's room

I hugged her sweater and cried silently. I fell asleep surprisingly. Probably cuz of how overwhelmed I was.

I was then awoken by soft touches. I rubbed my eyes and there sat y/n. I hugged her waist.

"Miles are you okay what happened" y/n asked sweetly "they uh wanna send me to boarding school and I won't be able to see you" I sat up straight "wait what the hell why"

"Cuz of my fucked up file"

"I'm guessing jake isn't getting sent either huh"


"Let's go to sleep okay, it'll get your mind off things" y/n pulled me next to her and put me to sleep

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now