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Y/n Pov
I wake up to the rain against the window I was all cuddled into miles he was so warm. I kinda wanted to go on a walk again it was so pretty outside even though it was raining. I tried to wiggle out of his arms but his grip got tighter on me "ugh y/n stop moving" he groans "Miles it's raining it looks so pretty let's go on a walk cmon"I say as he rubs his eyes "I still wanna lay down with you though and raining is perfect to stay inside"he says as he puts a strand of hair behind my ear "cmon miles I like rain let's just walk outside then we can watch movies inside and I'll give you all the hugs you want and we can even take a nap later" I tried pulling him off the bed "pleaseee" I say as he gets up " fine go get a jacket you left yours here last time" he says "where is it" I ask "It's in my closet I saved it for you" he says As I grab my jacket "thanks miles your the best" I say. I feel like when I'm with miles I forget about everything that's going on he's the only one that makes me smile this much.
Me and miles walk outside to the beautiful rain it was so peaceful. Me and miles share an umbrella together. I then see this guy walk up to us he looked around mine and Miles's age "Hey what's a hot girl like you doing with this major weirdo cmon I'll take you back to my house" the guy says with a smirk "Fuck off "I give him attitude and flip him off "Hey asshole this major weirdo happens to be her boyfriend so I decide you stay away from her before I fucken kill your ass you got that"Miles says pushing me behind him. Was he aware that he called himself my boyfriend the word probably slipped out. "Cmon sweetheart leave his ass I'm way better than him he's so weird he's not normal he killed his fucken parents did you hear and I'm way better looking" he has the audacity to say this as miles eyes widen when the guy mentions his parents I could tell miles was gonna snap "miles it's okay let me handle this okay" I whisper to miles and he nods "Listen you better leave me and my boyfriend alone because he might be a weirdo but he's my weirdo and you better not mention his parents again or I'll kill you myself you got that and one more thing he's way hotter than you now get you naked mole rat looking ass away from my face" I say to the guy as his jaw drops and miles just smirks at me and the guy storms off "cmon miles let's go home that jerk ruined our walk and fucked up my mood let's go to your house so we can go cuddle and take a nap or something sound good to you"I ask grabbing miles hand "sounds great as we arrive to the house I grab another sweater from Miles's closet his sweaters were so warm and comfortable and I grab another pair of sweatpants.
I come out the shower and I see Miles's face "what happened miles"I say confused "nothing I just love when you wear my sweaters"he says with one hand on my cheek "well I'm glad that you don't mind me wearing them cuz ima wear them more often"I laugh softly and he does too.
I wait on his bed while He takes a shower. I just admired his room and then he comes out the shower "cmon y/n I'm tired"he says grabbing my waist. I didn't bring up that he called me his girlfriend I didn't bring it up cuz I could tell that jerk from earlier hurt Miles feelings by talking about miles parents "Miles are you okay I'm asking cuz that asshole from earlier ruined our walk"I say as tears fill his eyes "I just don't know why that asshole had to bring up my parents but we have to forget about it because I'm with you and when I'm with you nothing else in this world matters to me"He says cupping my face and placing a kiss on my lips "But you know what would make me feel better"he says with a smirk on his face as I look at him kind of confused "what would make you feel better"I ask "It would make me feel better if you come cuddle with me come on I'm tired let's go to sleep"He says tugging the sweater I had on as my phone rings "hello?" I answer "Hey sweetie it's mom, how are you and miles doing"she says "or were okay do t worry we're safe"I say "have you ate"she asks in a worried tone "Mom im fine Miles has been helping me eat"he tell her reassuring her that I'm okay
"So what are you guys doing"she says in a more happier tone "oh uh nothing Me and miles are just hanging out at his house and we're just uh... drawing yes drawing I'm giving him some tips"I say stuttering I couldn't tell her that me and him are gonna take a nap together then shell ask if we're dating "oh ok sweetie well have a good time I'll call you later" she says "yeah okay mom oh and by the way I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna go to sleep and so is miles he says he's tired so if you text I might be asleep"I say nervously "oh ok honey we'll I love you and tell miles that flora said she love him too"she's says "okay mom I will love you bye" I hang up the phone and I see miles laughing "what are you laughing about"I give him attitude "oh uh we're just uh drawing"He mocks as I roll my eyes playfully "fine I'm not tired anymore you can sleep by yourself I'll go home I get up and laugh a little but quietly "No fine Im sorry just come back I can't sleep by myself" he says "Miles it was a joke and flora says she loves you"I say turning around "I love her too"he says as I lay back down with him all I hear is the rain pattering on the window it was quite calming "this is way better"he says wrapping his arms around my waist digging his head into the crook of my neck and I fall asleep and he does too.
I wake up and it's 4:30 we had fell asleep like around 10:00 am it's now 4:30 pm damn we slept for a couple hours. Miles feels me move a little and he slowly starts too wake up. "I'm starting to like rainy days if that means I get to spend them with you"he says smiling "I'm bored let's do something" I ask sitting up on the bed he bites his bottom lip he usually does that when he's thinking "uhm" he mutters "we can watch a movie at your house" he asks "yeah sure let's go.
We arrive to my house and watch a movie I look up and I see that miles is asleep he has one arm around me. I turn the Tv off and fall asleep with him again. This is why I love rainy days.

Bored and mentally drained //Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now