The Surprise Announcement...

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Taylor's P.O.V

I was walking towards Scott's office and I suddenly got nervous what if he didn't like her and dropped me. Oh well I can't take her back now I love her too much. I knocked and he told me to come in and he said "Hey Taylor what's up?" Then he turned and screamed. I felt Leah immediately began to wake up and she scrunched herself even further into me. I sighed and gave Scott what was probably a death stare before settling on the couch with Leah, kissing her nose, her forehead and letting her cuddle to get comfortable again. She was so warm I knew she would be asleep before long, she had Brownie too. Then she whispered to me "I love you mommy." I kissed her and she was out again.

Glancing at Scott he looked like he was about to feint. "Mommy...Taylor can you explain?""Sure Leah is my daughter Scott, she is four years old." Scott looked worried. "Tay this is important, did you give birth to her...I mean I know it's not my place but did you?" I sighed and then began to explain how I met Leah and what had happened over the past two days. He was impressed. Then he said "Wow so I'm guessing we have to change some things around? Tell people and magazines. Do some photo shoots?" "Yeah I need to change the national tour so I can be home more often. Leah is starting preschool tomorrow so I don't want to interrupt that too much if we can help it. But internationally she will be travelling with me all the time. So we need to make things a little more child friendly which shouldn't be too hard considering the band I have. I have mentioned her on twitter but we need to do a press release but no photo shoots right now she isn't used to it yet. Give her time Scott." Scott was nodding with everything that I was saying. "Okay Tay that sounds do-able I just need to know what you want us to do for the summer tour and then Paula can write your press release. Nashville is pretty safe but when she is in L.A we will need to be careful about the paparazzi." This time I felt myself nod and when I did Leah moved so I settled again. This was taking some getting used to but I noticed every breath she took as she was breathing into my neck but it was oddly comforting. But at least she was still asleep meaning when I took her to meet the band at rehearsals she would be awake and alert which I was secretly pleased about.

Forty minutes later I stood indicating that the meeting was finished and lifting Leah with me I was almost to the door when Scott said. "I'm really proud Taylor but you need to be prepared for judgement many will think she is your natural child based on how alike you look, blonde hair and blue eyes not to mention your smiles curl the same way." I stopped and looked at Leah for the first time really closely. I could see the resemblance it was like looking at me in the mirror. "I appreciate it Scott but can you just get Paula to release it. Twitter already knows from my tweet last night. So it won't be unexpected news." "Sure Taylor. I hope she likes the band because we know the band will love her especially Amos and Paul. But Mike, Grant, Al, Caitlin and Liz will be smitten with how much she looks like you, mommy." I paused and looked at Scott properly then hugged him and he took a picture to show is wife. I smiled that he accepted that I was now a mom to a four year old, Mary had accepted it so had my family and my Swifties would too now to tell my band.

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