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Nobara had a shocked face, Yuji smiled like nothing is going on and Megumi gaped his eyes for moments.

"Help me guys, she's harassing me~!" Nobara shut the sliding. I stood up and kicked his stomach the hardest possible, but he blocked it with his arm. I told him that I'll close the door tonight so he can't get in and that it's better to be by myself.

I looked at Megumi who was standing there and turned his face away as I opened the door. Yuji wanted to see my room and said to change with him because he's right beside Todo's room.

Nobara already vanished, she's probably in her room. I knocked on the door so she could learn how to behave next time. If Sukuna wasn't in the way, she could have seen worse. And I had to close the door though.

"It's me Noba can I get in?" She opened the door and looked straight into my eyes. I smiled and she was shy and mad at once.

"I wanted to go to the Kyoto shop, apparently there's discounts on new collections... But I'll go with Maki if you're busy." That's why she kicked the door that way. I thought someone was dead... The answer was that I would like to go with her and even pay for everything. That reminds me, the monk didn't send my money yet.

Nobara was excited again and started daydreaming. I looked at her and asked if there's something else she wanted to say. She shook her head and I insisted that I'll answer any question.

"Do you love Gojo sensei?" I chuckled and got closer to her. The answer to her question is not clear in my mind. I'm not sure of my feelings towards Sato but love is a bit too much for now. Still those few past days were like a happy dream, for me at least but after what he said earlier I hate him the most. Although I don't know his feelings towards me, logically we can't love someone for just three months... can we?

"You're my friend Nobara, I'll tell you if I love someone." I'm sure she wants to know what exactly is my relationship with him, but I myself ain't sure about it. Perhaps I'll ask him what we are exactly.

Shame because for everyone I'm his student but behind them, we are way more than that. That's illegal by the law right?

We were all invited to the gathering room to start the competition. I hid behind my sensei to avoid the mad director who calmed down a bit.

"Come here!" Ordered Masamichi then I suddenly knelt in front of him rubbing my palms against each other.

"I'm supra ultra sorry!" His huge hand held my swollen crown and made me stand up to face the Kyoto students.

"She's a hasty girl with childish behavior but was able to successfully execute two special grades in her first missions. I recognize her as a skilled sorcerer and ask everyone to treat her the same way." I looked at him with puppy eyes because I thought he would kill me. He made me bow slightly and I said to treat me well.

Feeling protected and respected by a strong man like him made me feel important. He really deserves to be Tokyo tech's director.

They drew lots to decide each one's opponent. Meanwhile Nobara told me their names and characters to be aware before fighting. There was a blond guy that Nobara didn't know because he didn't come to the exchange event, he's Akari's brother as Maki said. It seems like he's here so the number would be equal.

"The hot spring is closed this week and will open on the last day." The old man announced and we were all disappointed. Now I hate him even more.

First Mai Zenin vs Nobara Kugisaki. Before he put his hand to pick others' names. Noritoshi Kamo vs Itadori Yuji. Momo Nichimia vs Panda. Inumaki Toge vs Kasumi Miwa. Aoi Todo vs Y/n l/n. Megumi Fushiguro vs Arata Nitta. Maki Zenin vs Ultimate Mechamaru.

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