Important Note

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Hello guys, it's just to say that I changed a fundamental detail in this story which is Sukuna and y/n's relationship. As you know so far he raped her, and I want to change that.

In a few words, I had a personal reason to write the first version. I wanted to get over something and succeeded thanks to this book. It was my healing space and I published it without fearing any judgment.

It was chapter 34, which is edited right now if you want to read it, go there. If you don't here's the stuff :

They were sexualy attracted and did it.

I'm responsible for what I write, and as the number of readers increases, I grow nervous at some level. Anyway, I feel more comfortable this way…

So, I'm not glorifying any wrong behavior, rape, killing… and never will.

Thanks, Fhey.

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